Firstly, a heartfelt 'thanks' from me! Your kind words and support for my little game mean a lot coming from you guys!
@Blazing - Well, you can get an idea by looking at App Annie - if you look at the pattern, it's a very obvious 'V' shape. The game started well, held on for two days, then started to lose momentum quite drastically.
Then it got featured. And it's shot up to pretty much where it was at launch.
I don't know what happened for Apple to feature Air Supply. I'd like to think it was the week without sleep for me, answering questions on forums, thanking people, sending out a press release - essentially trying to get it some coverage.
But the reality is probably that it was just luck!
Regardless, I've got enough now to buy that 3DS at the end of the month! Phew! We'll see how the rest of the week goes. I'm hoping to get enough to pay people to make the next game!
While the sales are obviously lovely to see, the most fulfilling part of all this has been making people happy. Forgive the rant, but our job as game makers is to provide *fun* for other people. That's it. Give people fun. That people have not only bought the game, but that the majority have been happy and really enjoyed it, is, as a game designer, the greatest gift anyone can give.
So thank you all again for your support! Long live Retro!
quantumsheep said: Firstly, a heartfelt 'thanks' from me! Your kind words and support for my little game mean a lot coming from you guys!
@Blazing - Well, you can get an idea by looking at App Annie - if you look at the pattern, it's a very obvious 'V' shape. The game started well, held on for two days, then started to lose momentum quite drastically.
Then it got featured. And it's shot up to pretty much where it was at launch.
I don't know what happened for Apple to feature Air Supply. I'd like to think it was the week without sleep for me, answering questions on forums, thanking people, sending out a press release - essentially trying to get it some coverage.
But the reality is probably that it was just luck!
Regardless, I've got enough now to buy that 3DS at the end of the month! Phew! We'll see how the rest of the week goes. I'm hoping to get enough to pay people to make the next game!
While the sales are obviously lovely to see, the most fulfilling part of all this has been making people happy. Forgive the rant, but our job as game makers is to provide *fun* for other people. That's it. Give people fun. That people have not only bought the game, but that the majority have been happy and really enjoyed it, is, as a game designer, the greatest gift anyone can give.
So thank you all again for your support! Long live Retro!
We pretty much knew the sales would be good when you first told us about this:) good luck with sales! have fun with your 3ds!! I will be having fun with my ipad 2!
I've been playing this all week long and today I played it ALL DAY. No joke I was siting on the charger all day playing this and had so much fun! I decided to gift this to my friend, who I was "hanging out with" (we were more sort of just talking while I neglected him by playing this). And he played it for a while as well. One thing though. When you finish the air supply it says "Complete" but when you finish the stars it just leaves the box blank. Not a huge deal, but my OCD is making me get angry at it. Great job though. One thing that would be cool, but I'm not sure you would want to is make it so you can change your "enemy" without changing the background. Because I like being Marv or the robot with the T-Rex baddies, but I don't really like the Egypt background as much as the others. But other than the Complete thing this fame doesn't *need* to be changed but with my idea *I* think it would be almost perfect! (I say almost because I don't believe there can be a *PERFECT* game.)
Firstly, thanks for buying the game for you AND your friend! I'm really glad you're enjoying it! That's awesome!
You're right about the blank box on character completion - you'll be glad to know that's been fixed now for version 1.1, which was submitted on March 7th. It's still waiting for review, but hopefully any day now, eh?
As to your other point - I understand what you're saying, and it was something I considered.
However, I decided against it for these reasons:
It would make the 'selection' screen even more crowded with five instead of four options. I'd run out of stuff that could be used to unlock things!
I could be wrong of course, but I felt it an option too many! Sorry!
I'm working on version 1.2 now, which is just about ready. Has some user requests in it, plus I've re-jigged the game over screen so that there's less actors in the scene. Hopefully this will cut down load times.
I'm already planning 1.3, in which I'm *hoping* to add a new game mode, which I think will be fun
I'm also in the 'dream' phase of Air Supply 2 - where I just imagine the game in my head till I know exactly how it plays. The music for the teaser trailer and actual trailer have been picked out. The icon is done. The theme finalised.
It's a platform game. In much the same way Air Supply's a 'runner'
I may also have some rather lovely Air Supply news soon which I won't mention yet as it may fall through. We'll see!
Thanks again for your comments! They're much appreciated!
P.S. - there *is* a perfect game. It's called 'Tetris'
I have to say that air supply is my favorite game at the moment and the unlocks are forcing me to keep playing even when I need sleep and i am very glad to here that your working on air supply 2 and more updates for air supply. Good luck with the sales, I will recommend the game to everyone I know with an iPhone and hopefully get it into the top 100 where it deserves to be.
Hey Matt, thank you so much for those very kind words!
Sorry if my little game is keeping you up
It's hovering around the 175-200 mark ranks wise per hour - Unfortunately I foresee a steep decline come Friday - maybe the regular updates will help? Who knows - all a mystery to me I'm afraid!
I'm just very happy that people seem to be enjoying the game!
So how many sales are you getting to be ranked 175-200? Don't worry if you don't want to share your exact sales numbers. And as your thinking of making a platform game you might want to look at league of evil if you haven't already, I downloaded it today and its the best platformer that I've played I reckon. Actually i have just remembered that the only reason I saw it was that I was searching for air supply to see where it was in the charts
This fixes some bugs, and adds a user request (save volume levels).
It also adds: A new unlockable character A new music track A new bug!
Next update should be submitted by Friday with some optimisations to try and cut down load times!
matt1413 said: So how many sales are you getting to be ranked 175-200? Don't worry if you don't want to share your exact sales numbers. And as your thinking of making a platform game you might want to look at league of evil if you haven't already, I downloaded it today and its the best platformer that I've played I reckon. Actually i have just remembered that the only reason I saw it was that I was searching for air supply to see where it was in the charts
Oh, I already have league of evil - very nice game! Sales are on average 100 a day in those positions, so I'm not making a fortune, but it's nice to be able to treat myself to a 3DS and pay for the next game!
@Blazing - Well, you can get an idea by looking at App Annie - if you look at the pattern, it's a very obvious 'V' shape. The game started well, held on for two days, then started to lose momentum quite drastically.
Then it got featured. And it's shot up to pretty much where it was at launch.
I don't know what happened for Apple to feature Air Supply. I'd like to think it was the week without sleep for me, answering questions on forums, thanking people, sending out a press release - essentially trying to get it some coverage.
But the reality is probably that it was just luck!
Regardless, I've got enough now to buy that 3DS at the end of the month! Phew! We'll see how the rest of the week goes. I'm hoping to get enough to pay people to make the next game!
While the sales are obviously lovely to see, the most fulfilling part of all this has been making people happy. Forgive the rant, but our job as game makers is to provide *fun* for other people. That's it. Give people fun. That people have not only bought the game, but that the majority have been happy and really enjoyed it, is, as a game designer, the greatest gift anyone can give.
So thank you all again for your support! Long live Retro!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Well done on getting featured and good luck with sales mate.
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Congrats again!
Super cool you got N&N but i want to see it in the top 100!!!
Never mind, eh?
We also released Gravitrixx HD today (thanks to your resizer, Darren).
Bloody busy days!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I just got another *lovely* review from a relatively new, but very well written, blog here:
Which is lovely!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
There may be an interview lined up with that site too. While in relative terms it's quite small, I like the guy's style!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
But I do like the cut of that young man's jib.
Which sounds worse than it is!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Firstly, thanks for buying the game for you AND your friend! I'm really glad you're enjoying it! That's awesome!
You're right about the blank box on character completion - you'll be glad to know that's been fixed now for version 1.1, which was submitted on March 7th. It's still waiting for review, but hopefully any day now, eh?
As to your other point - I understand what you're saying, and it was something I considered.
However, I decided against it for these reasons:
It would make the 'selection' screen even more crowded with five instead of four options.
I'd run out of stuff that could be used to unlock things!
I could be wrong of course, but I felt it an option too many! Sorry!
I'm working on version 1.2 now, which is just about ready. Has some user requests in it, plus I've re-jigged the game over screen so that there's less actors in the scene. Hopefully this will cut down load times.
I'm already planning 1.3, in which I'm *hoping* to add a new game mode, which I think will be fun
I'm also in the 'dream' phase of Air Supply 2 - where I just imagine the game in my head till I know exactly how it plays. The music for the teaser trailer and actual trailer have been picked out. The icon is done. The theme finalised.
It's a platform game. In much the same way Air Supply's a 'runner'
I may also have some rather lovely Air Supply news soon which I won't mention yet as it may fall through. We'll see!
Thanks again for your comments! They're much appreciated!
P.S. - there *is* a perfect game. It's called 'Tetris'
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Sorry if my little game is keeping you up
It's hovering around the 175-200 mark ranks wise per hour - Unfortunately I foresee a steep decline come Friday - maybe the regular updates will help? Who knows - all a mystery to me I'm afraid!
I'm just very happy that people seem to be enjoying the game!
Thanks again!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
This fixes some bugs, and adds a user request (save volume levels).
It also adds:
A new unlockable character
A new music track
A new bug!
Next update should be submitted by Friday with some optimisations to try and cut down load times! Oh, I already have league of evil - very nice game! Sales are on average 100 a day in those positions, so I'm not making a fortune, but it's nice to be able to treat myself to a 3DS and pay for the next game!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
If you're in the neighbourhood of the iTunes store, do stop in and update your review if you can!
Much appreciated!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...