Air Supply from quantumsheep hits the app store!-Now with GameCenter :O



  • jpmurphjpmurph Member Posts: 62
    Bought it...Love the art and music! Great work...
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Brilliant...5 star review in UK store.

  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033

    Will review for ya later.
    Seems really f'kin good so far tho!
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Thank you everyone! I just got up, and to see this thread full of good wishes (and,er, Basil's video!) is just lovely!

    Thank you!

    Yesterday's sales were not fantastic, but I'm happy for day 1.

    It was downloaded 128 times.
    I made $77.

    So, no threat to Angry Birds and Tiny Wings then! :D

    What has really made it all worth it though are some of the comments on the Touch Arcade thread here:

    That MetalCasket guy is my favourite human being right now! I don't make what I call 'normal' games, so when someone really gets it... well, there's no better feeling I don't think :D

    So - it's not sold much on day one. I found a bug, and will spend today fixing it and adding another character and music track to the game.

    I'd like to keep adding to it I think. Reception so far has been great! And along the line it will get new stuff to cater for social features.

    We'll see how it does. A front page N&N mention would make my year though I think!

    Thank you all again for your awesome support! Now get unlocking! :D

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    Perhaps your game will do better today, it seems to be finally appearing in the app store under the "release date" section, for whatever reason I couldn't find it there yesterday.
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Trust mate.

    128 sales before you are on the new release list is really good.
    Todays sales should be better (fingers crossed)
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    Old Scool goes new scool. Awesome job. I love the looks and sound of it.

    And I bought it. It shows up twice in the dutch store when searching. Probably minor. But tell you anyway.
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    yeah.. search makes it show up twice in the uk store too
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    It shows up twice!

    I'm expecting double the sales tomorrow! MUAHAHAHAH!

    Thank you for buying it everyone. Your support is 128 kinds of awesome :D

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • RondoRocketRondoRocket Member Posts: 411
    Bought it on my 3G and having a blast! The load times might be a little long but well worth it!

    Do you still have an old pro license, QS?
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    ReM said:
    Bought it on my 3G and having a blast! The load times might be a little long but well worth it!

    Wow - thanks! I've been actively discouraging people from getting it on anything less than a 3GS after playing it on my Dad's 3G and being appalled at the load times!

    It still works - you can certainly play it - but the load times ruin it for me personally! (which is why there's a warning in the app description!)
    ReM said:
    Do you still have an old pro license, QS?

    Yes I do, and I've been actively campaigning to bring it back for ALL Pro users... :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • RondoRocketRondoRocket Member Posts: 411
    quantumsheep said:
    Yes I do, and I've been actively campaigning to bring it back for ALL Pro users... :D

    You da sheep!
  • BSideGamesBSideGames Member Posts: 392
    QS I hope you don't mind but I uses some of your wordage in my game description "The Flinglings"

    *note - This game is recommended for iphone 3GS and above, as well as 3rd gen ipods and above. While the game runs fine on older devices, There seems to be a slight delay in the touching reaction time*

    Out of respect I thought I'd tell you.

    BTW I love the game so far.

    Asher Scott
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    ReM said:
    You da sheep!


    I think a lot of pro users want to feel independent. I know I do! Giving them their own splash screen does that.

    The way I argued it was:
    1. Without a splash, people can do apps for others (as in paid work by other companies) - this is a must for some users here!
    2. Being associated with rubbish apps puts people off. The rise of template apps doesn't help.
    3. If someone makes a rubbish/template app with the GS logo on it, pro users would not worry as it doesn't reflect on them (if they have their own splash).
    4. If a pro user makes a rubbish/template app, it doesn't reflect on anyone else but them (if they have have their own splash).

    The guys at GS get a lot of flack, but they *are* listening!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • great game so addictive
    i can't stop playing this game
    im working on a pixel art game
    and im looking for a musician
    to make a Nintendo Style music (8-bit)
    can you tell me ho made your music

    *sorry for my bad english :)*
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Hello Abdul, your English is excellent!

    The guy who did the music for this is called Mister Beep. He's awesome, but he doesn't make 8bit music, more '1bit' - which is why it fit in very nicely to Air Supply.

    It's all done on a ZX Spectrum as well. So it probably wouldn't fit in with what you're looking for!

    You might try checking out - plenty of chip music there to choose from, but make sure you contact the composers *before* putting the music into your game, as you need to get their permission/sort out percentages/pay them.

    Hope that helps!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    uptimistik said:
    I tried playing it on my 2G just for trying's sake, and it does not play well at all. Played just fine on 4G though. Really really nice game. Gave it a 5 star review..

    Thanks for that! It's weird, some people say it's fine on a 2G, and seem to be enjoying it. Whereas you and I have had a very different experience!

    I wonder what gives?

    Thanks for playing the game!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    qs, go to the chatroom!

    Everyone else, go there too!
  • Stryfe01Stryfe01 Member Posts: 146
    very well done. Going to grab it as well.
  • XpandemicXpandemic Member Posts: 157
    Hey quantumcheep I've found a small bug

    Im not sure if this is gs specific or just your game; when you pause and try to rotate the screen it won't rotate.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Xpandemic said:
    Hey quantumcheep I've found a small bug

    Im not sure if this is gs specific or just your game; when you pause and try to rotate the screen it won't rotate.

    Oh silly sheepy!

    I forgot to enable auto-rotate on every screen! Thank you for catching that! It took just a minute to fix, but I should have checked that stuff! Thanks! :D

    I'm submitting an update tomorrow with a few other little fixes as well as an extra music unlock and an extra character unlock!

    Thanks again - totally missed that!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • XpandemicXpandemic Member Posts: 157
    Ha no problem :D looking forward to the update
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188

    The game has just gone new and noteworthy in the US and UK in the 'Arcade' and 'Action' categories!


    What I really need, dear Apple God, if you're listening, is a front page listing please! ;)

    I wrote this in the touch arcade thread, so forgive me for copy and pasting!

    I'm especially pleased about the UK N&N as Air Supply is sharing the same space as Jeff Minter's Minotron: 2112!

    I've been a huge fan of Mr. Minter for many, many years, and I find it joyously incredible that my little game sits near his 'on the shelf' as it were!

    If you'd told me that in 1983 as I sat and played 'Attack of the Mutant Camels' I'd have laughed at you!

    And then said "What's an iPhone?" probably

    Thanks again, all!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • iMuseiMuse Member Posts: 80
    congratz sheep, haven't tried it myself yet but will very soon and glad to hear it's doing good! :)
  • iMuseiMuse Member Posts: 80
    Ok, thought I try this game out for a few minutes to see if it was really any good and maybe learn a thing or two... 2 hours later I'm rocking Gerty through robot city fighting all them crazies off to get that one more kill/star. Man this game is good! well done sheep!
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    iMuse said:
    Ok, thought I try this game out for a few minutes to see if it was really any good and maybe learn a thing or two... 2 hours later I'm rocking Gerty through robot city fighting all them crazies off to get that one more kill/star. Man this game is good! well done sheep!

    Go Go Gerty! :D

    I'm really glad you liked it!

    Sales yeseterday were 117 - about $78 worth.

    thanks to everyone who bought it! It's certainly on track to overtake my other games, sales wise, and it seems to make people happy - which is awesome :D

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    *also played attack of the mutant camels

    Way to go QS!
  • laxking97laxking97 Member Posts: 114
    downloaded and been playing this for the past hour or two. Not very good tho.
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    laxking97 said:
    downloaded and been playing this for the past hour or two. Not very good tho.

    Perhaps you could share some insight into what you disliked from the game? Any information I'm sure he would like to hear to help improve.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    NexusGameStudio said:
    Perhaps you could share some insight into what you disliked from the game? Any information I'm sure he would like to hear to help improve.

    I thought he meant he wasn't very good 'at' it.

    Though if there are things he disliked, the info would be appreciated!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

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