Hey QS did you have any reports from users complaining that sometimes when you touch the GC button it does nothing or, even worse, cause the game to crash?
Because I'm experiencing this with your game but also with some adhoc I'm testing and I was a little worried.
MarkOnTheIron said: Hey QS did you have any reports from users complaining that sometimes when you touch the GC button it does nothing or, even worse, cause the game to crash?
Because I'm experiencing this with your game but also with some adhoc I'm testing and I was a little worried.
Well, I'm sorry that's happening to you. I've not had any such reports. It might help if you let me know what device you're using?
firebirdgames.co.uk said: Cool game ... I really love the design aesthetic on this! What impact do you think Gamecenter is having?
As to GC, it's really hard to tell. The game is still in 'What we're playing' on iTunes in a few territories. Apple has been very kind!
Additionally I'm still pushing the game here and there. So it's hard to say what GC in itself is bringing to the party.
I'm *hoping* it'll prolong the life of the game for people, even after unlocking everything. And that's got to be a positive thing, right?
MagoNicolas said: QS, do you have a ratio of GC Players and downloads?
Right now it's less than 10% of the installed base. But I attribute that to GC being introduced to the game two months after release!
I'm using a 4G. It doesn't happen often, it's really random. But there are some rare cases where it doesn't work and some other where the game become unresponsive.
But if this happens only to me then that's cool, I'm just afraid I could offer a bad user experience.
MarkOnTheIron said: I'm using a 4G. It doesn't happen often, it's really random. But there are some rare cases where it doesn't work and some other where the game become unresponsive.
But if this happens only to me then that's cool, I'm just afraid I could offer a bad user experience.
This has happened a few times to me. I'm guessing that it has to do with hitting buttons while the game is trying to update game center. Not really sure what to say other than that.
I have never had the game crash upon hitting the Gamecenter button, but I've had it randomly not post the score, and for some reason, it's always when I get a really good score... go figure!
You're the only developer so far who has created such an addictive game that my friggin' battery died b/c I was playing it too much!
tshirtbooth said: I have the same issue with gc in my game. After a long gameplay the gc button does nothing.
Is this being addressed by the GS team? It kind of defeats the whole purpose of using gamecenter for highscores if you can't play long enough to get the highscore without the geamcenter behavior breaking.
Guys, today I read a post by MagoNicholas saying that all the GC postings by him are not cheated? What does he mean? Now I see you guys talking about something that is similar (not sure if a joke), & I was wondering how you could even do such a thing?
It is very simple. you can have for example, a hidden object in one scene, and when you touch it more than 20 times, it gives you 300000 score… for example, it would be very easy to cheat on your own game.
I am probably going to do something like that for my next game, I'll put some hidden button in the about section. No one will ever look there *evil laugh*
MagoNicolas said: It is very simple. you can have for example, a hidden object in one scene, and when you touch it more than 20 times, it gives you 300000 score… for example, it would be very easy to cheat on your own game.
QS, I was in my local WHSmith store this morning (National UK bookstore/newsagent) browsing through Tap Magazine and guess who's game briefly featured in the best simple games roundup?
Yup Air Supply was recommended on an article about "Tiny Wings", basically saying if you like Tiny Wings you will like these games. They complemented Air Supply's simple controls and retro graphics, although slightly criticised how difficult unlocking new content is. May give you a bit of a sales boost?
There are currently just over 180 people playing the game on GC - which is nice, but hardly stellar!
Thankfully, future games will have GC in them from the start. Which is awesome
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Because I'm experiencing this with your game but also with some adhoc I'm testing and I was a little worried.
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System
As to GC, it's really hard to tell. The game is still in 'What we're playing' on iTunes in a few territories. Apple has been very kind!
Additionally I'm still pushing the game here and there. So it's hard to say what GC in itself is bringing to the party.
I'm *hoping* it'll prolong the life of the game for people, even after unlocking everything. And that's got to be a positive thing, right? Right now it's less than 10% of the installed base. But I attribute that to GC being introduced to the game two months after release!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
But if this happens only to me then that's cool, I'm just afraid I could offer a bad user experience.
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System
I'll see what I can do for sure (if anything!).
Thanks for the heads up,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
You're the only developer so far who has created such an addictive game that my friggin' battery died b/c I was playing it too much!
The 'not posting' thing is actually planned. I use:
If game.ButterbeanScore <= game.SheepyScore
Then post score to GC
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
If score > Jonscore
Jonscore = score+1
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
Will you be releasing a template for it?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Tht way you'll always have one more point than the leader
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
the only thing I have in my game is an easter egg for earning 400 coins, Will give hints soon.
But I don't cheat on my games….
Yup Air Supply was recommended on an article about "Tiny Wings", basically saying if you like Tiny Wings you will like these games. They complemented Air Supply's simple controls and retro graphics, although slightly criticised how difficult unlocking new content is. May give you a bit of a sales boost?
Air Supply is in Issue 5 http://gb.zinio.com/browse/publications/single-issues.jsp?productId=500608659&pss=1