uptimistik said: Wowa-we-wah 12,000!!! Just behind u QS! this is such a blast man! Why didnt you have game center on game launch? * runs away giggling*
Gerty's confused as to why he needs air in the first place...
uptimistik said: Wowa-we-wah 12,000!!! Just behind u QS! this is such a blast man! Why didnt you have game center on game launch? * runs away giggling*
Haha, nope but a mate of mine got the part of the dwarf Fili, a part that I auditioned for! DAMN HIM!!!! Haha.
I've been studying game dev full time at uni. Let me tell you... C++ is HARD!!!! But gotta put the hard yards in if I want to make a career out of this ;-)
Currently rebuilding Max Vector in pseudo 3D. How about you? Any recent hits?
POLYGAMe said: Haha, nope but a mate of mine got the part of the dwarf Fili, a part that I auditioned for! DAMN HIM!!!! Haha.
I've been studying game dev full time at uni. Let me tell you... C++ is HARD!!!! But gotta put the hard yards in if I want to make a career out of this ;-)
Currently rebuilding Max Vector in pseudo 3D. How about you? Any recent hits?
I've seen a very early test version of Max in psuedo 3D - and it really does look lovely
rdcube said: Dood, once you release the iPad version, it'll sky rocket to #1 and you'll be a millionaire! xD
Shame there's not going to be an iPad version then!
I have about 4 games on the go at the moment - and would love to settle on one. I'm just waiting on some art still
Up to about 160 people playing on GC - just goes to show that it would have been very handy to have it at launch, as it's sold almost 2,500 units since launch.
Im curious, in england, does r always come before e? like game CENTRE instead of game CENTER. and METRE instead of METER. Idk. I have always wondered that. haha. I love this game. My gamecenter is screwing up though:(
Shame its not coming to Ipad but looking forward to your new games! Out of interest would you say you feel 2,500 sales is a success or not?
DreamLab said: Im curious, in england, does r always come before e? like game CENTRE instead of game CENTER. and METRE instead of METER. Idk. I have always wondered that. haha. I love this game. My gamecenter is screwing up though:(
No, we just spell correctly We invented the english language and Americans dumbed it down e.g. colour not color! :P
DreamLab said: Im curious, in england, does r always come before e? like game CENTRE instead of game CENTER. and METRE instead of METER. Idk. I have always wondered that. haha. I love this game. My gamecenter is screwing up though:(
I had to check myself and write 'GameCenter' wrongly, for fear that Apple might reject my game if I spelt it 'correctly'
cbt said: Is this the GS game with most review stars on AppStore (4,5 stars) or is it just me?
I'm really really ashamed because I'm just newly downloading it now.
Behold high-scorers! (When ever I say that, I can't even make it to top 20.)
Welcome! Thanks for playing the game!
I'm sure there are plenty of other games that have more stars than mine - Utopian's for starters!
PossesiveGaming said: Shame its not coming to Ipad but looking forward to your new games! Out of interest would you say you feel 2,500 sales is a success or not?
I sometimes wonder if I'm submitting my games to a different app store to everyone else - especially when people are saying they've had tens of thousands of downloads! :P
It's all a matter of context. Yes, 25,000 paid downloads would be lovely. 250,000 even better.
2.5k might seem like a small number. And it is. But I have no sense of 'entitlement'. I don't deserve to sell more than anyone else here. So I never 'expect' a game to sell well just because I think I worked hard on it. It has to sell itself when it's done, and Air Supply has done a fine job as far as I'm concerned!
But to me, it's been a 'success' for different reasons:
*I made a game I'm proud of and still play myself (I deleted the game from my phone, just so I could start over - GC scores remain intact though!) *People, in general, seem to enjoy the game, which as a designer is a real gift. *It's the most popular Quantum Sheep game so far. By a country mile. *It's shown me that persistence and hard work can be rewarded. *It's given me an 'installed base' and the opportunity to interact with these people and make more games for them! *I've not conned anyone or resorted to shady marketing techniques - I just made a game that people enjoy. *It's opened a lot of doors. Media outlets I'd never have considered have picked up on it - and there's a genuine enthusiasm and interest from them for the game. *It's shown me that there's always room for improvement - either because players have pointed out flaws/bugs, or because I still feel I can do more. *I feel like Apple's more likely to feature my future games, if they're any good, in future (thank you Apple Overlords!).
When you're playing the long game, and not out for a quick buck, it's not all about the sales
Sure, there'll be an iPad Air Supply game (hopefully soon) - but it'll be something different. And Air Supply 2, again, a different game, will be made at some point.
But I have at least two other games that will probably help me redefine the term 'niche' But addressing a niche is good. I don't want to be like every other game company out there. If I wanted to do that, I'd get a job and make generic games for big companies (like I used to - and the pay's a lot better!).
I'm trying to fight the good fight. To show that if you treat your players (I hate the word 'customer') with some respect, have some fun, and make a good game, then you'll be rewarded.
2.5k is not much, but for me it helps validate my position, and serves as a good foundation for the future.
uptimistik said: I think it's a success QS. I see it as a door opener. It's one of the most polished games with serious depth. I don't think I play any other GS game as much as Air Supply. Maybe the genre has been beaten to death, or fortune was not on your side to push it over the edge. But as my momma always said, good things come to those who wait!
That's very kind.
You can find a video on YouTube of an interview with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
At the end, someone in the audience asked for advice for his startup.
Steve Jobs answered that you have to be passionate. Because some people give up when they don't get instant rewards. Because it's the sane thing to do.
I've been doing this for two years now, with little success. It's insane to keep going expecting different results.
@QS: You can see the passion that went into this game, and I must say, I've spent plenty of hours playing this game to the point where I was ready to call Dr. Drew and ask for help! :P
It's a sad reality that most people do give up on their passion, either because they were "told" to go to Med School by their parents, or become a "lawyer" when all that matters in life is that you're pursuing what you love. But "doing what you love" is complicated for sure.
I Quantum i download you Air supply, the game is very cool!! I have a question, how set speed in game? Thanks venon and.... Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for air Supply!!!!!!
Speed was just a real variable called 'SpeedUpPlease' - this starts off at 3, and over time increases by .2 up to a maximum of about 4 I think.
Then, every object that moves has a speed that's multiplied by 'SpeedUpPlease'
So, the mountains in the background might have a speed of 50*SpeedUpPlease
The platforms move faster as they're 'nearer'. So they'd have a speed of say 70*SpeedUpPlease
So there was a lot of trial and error getting the speed right - but once you get the initial speed right for each element, it all speeds up uniformly as 'SpeedUpPlease' increases.
This method also allowed me to put in a 'slowdown' powerup. When you pick it up it changes 'SpeedUpPlease' back to 3 - which means everything slows down.
Simple really - hope that helps, and thanks for trying the game out!
DreamLab said: I noticed apple is still playing this in the US. How are the sales? Care to share numbers per day?
Just curious.
I never thought a runner could be as fun as this one. I spent all day today playing it.
Thank you - I'm glad you're enjoying it!
It makes, on average, about $10-20 a day. Some days it's just $5 - others, for no discernible reason, it's about $20.
Its peak was definitely on launch, and the week Apple featured it in N&N - it seems to keep selling, which is lovely of course, and I have a few ideas of how to prolong its life.
quantumsheep said: Speed was just a real variable called 'SpeedUpPlease' - this starts off at 3, and over time increases by .2 up to a maximum of about 4 I think.
The platforms move faster as they're 'nearer'. So they'd have a speed of say 70*SpeedUpPlease
Thanks Quantum, then, plattform max speed is 70 x SpeedUpPlease (max 3-4) 70x3=210speed ?
But really, idk why it's like that.
The art was done by Basil (who currently has the highest score at - jesus... - over 22k and by Mr. Funkleberry.
Both hugely talented chaps!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
On the menu in the top right there is something that says "total distance" whats that mean? Is that the farthest you can run?
Now try and catch up, eh?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Just updated and had 20 mins...why isn't this game at #1?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
What's up? Working on the Hobbit?
I've been studying game dev full time at uni. Let me tell you... C++ is HARD!!!! But gotta put the hard yards in if I want to make a career out of this ;-)
Currently rebuilding Max Vector in pseudo 3D. How about you? Any recent hits?
Good Luck!
I have about 4 games on the go at the moment - and would love to settle on one. I'm just waiting on some art still
Up to about 160 people playing on GC - just goes to show that it would have been very handy to have it at launch, as it's sold almost 2,500 units since launch.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I'm really really ashamed because I'm just newly downloading it now.
Behold high-scorers! (When ever I say that, I can't even make it to top 20.)
I'm sure there are plenty of other games that have more stars than mine - Utopian's for starters! I sometimes wonder if I'm submitting my games to a different app store to everyone else - especially when people are saying they've had tens of thousands of downloads! :P
It's all a matter of context. Yes, 25,000 paid downloads would be lovely. 250,000 even better.
2.5k might seem like a small number. And it is. But I have no sense of 'entitlement'. I don't deserve to sell more than anyone else here. So I never 'expect' a game to sell well just because I think I worked hard on it. It has to sell itself when it's done, and Air Supply has done a fine job as far as I'm concerned!
But to me, it's been a 'success' for different reasons:
*I made a game I'm proud of and still play myself (I deleted the game from my phone, just so I could start over - GC scores remain intact though!)
*People, in general, seem to enjoy the game, which as a designer is a real gift.
*It's the most popular Quantum Sheep game so far. By a country mile.
*It's shown me that persistence and hard work can be rewarded.
*It's given me an 'installed base' and the opportunity to interact with these people and make more games for them!
*I've not conned anyone or resorted to shady marketing techniques - I just made a game that people enjoy.
*It's opened a lot of doors. Media outlets I'd never have considered have picked up on it - and there's a genuine enthusiasm and interest from them for the game.
*It's shown me that there's always room for improvement - either because players have pointed out flaws/bugs, or because I still feel I can do more.
*I feel like Apple's more likely to feature my future games, if they're any good, in future (thank you Apple Overlords!).
When you're playing the long game, and not out for a quick buck, it's not all about the sales
Sure, there'll be an iPad Air Supply game (hopefully soon) - but it'll be something different. And Air Supply 2, again, a different game, will be made at some point.
But I have at least two other games that will probably help me redefine the term 'niche'
I'm trying to fight the good fight. To show that if you treat your players (I hate the word 'customer') with some respect, have some fun, and make a good game, then you'll be rewarded.
2.5k is not much, but for me it helps validate my position, and serves as a good foundation for the future.
Damn. I've ranted. I could have just said 'yes'
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
You can find a video on YouTube of an interview with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
At the end, someone in the audience asked for advice for his startup.
Steve Jobs answered that you have to be passionate. Because some people give up when they don't get instant rewards. Because it's the sane thing to do.
I've been doing this for two years now, with little success. It's insane to keep going expecting different results.
Unless you're passionate about what you do
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
It's a sad reality that most people do give up on their passion, either because they were "told" to go to Med School by their parents, or become a "lawyer" when all that matters in life is that you're pursuing what you love. But "doing what you love" is complicated for sure.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Then, every object that moves has a speed that's multiplied by 'SpeedUpPlease'
So, the mountains in the background might have a speed of 50*SpeedUpPlease
The platforms move faster as they're 'nearer'. So they'd have a speed of say 70*SpeedUpPlease
So there was a lot of trial and error getting the speed right - but once you get the initial speed right for each element, it all speeds up uniformly as 'SpeedUpPlease' increases.
This method also allowed me to put in a 'slowdown' powerup. When you pick it up it changes 'SpeedUpPlease' back to 3 - which means everything slows down.
Simple really - hope that helps, and thanks for trying the game out!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Just curious.
I never thought a runner could be as fun as this one. I spent all day today playing it.
It makes, on average, about $10-20 a day. Some days it's just $5 - others, for no discernible reason, it's about $20.
Its peak was definitely on launch, and the week Apple featured it in N&N - it seems to keep selling, which is lovely of course, and I have a few ideas of how to prolong its life.
At least until the next game's ready
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
70x3=210speed ?
thanks venon