No your game comes out in September. Theres a Greenday song that says "Wake me up when September ends" so I changed it to August. Not sure it makes sense, it was supposed to be a joke, obviously not very funny haha
chosenonestudios said: No your game comes out in September. Theres a Greenday song that says "Wake me up when September ends" so I changed it to August. Not sure it makes sense, it was supposed to be a joke, obviously not very funny haha
Haha I remember that song! Missed the joke though, sorry :P
Maybe I should get a Rabbit Run skin for one of my devices.. Hmmm
Still got lots to do site-wise and marketing etc
// Red Dot Inc
// red.
// red.
Maybe I should get a Rabbit Run skin for one of my devices.. Hmmm
// red.