Run Rob Run is now live in iTunes/Play Store
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Game plays great, one thing you should know thought. Looks real crisp on my iPhone 4 and iPhone 5. But on my iPad 2 it looks kinda blurry, sorta washed out.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@raycur09 Thanks for letting me know. I initially made my target build for iphone so I guess GS is scaling my graphics up? I wonder if the opposite is true, if I built for ipad would it scale down to iphone sizes instead? Something I'll have to figure out for future projects...
I always built my games for iPad and end up looking good on all devices, maybe @pHghost can chime in on the subject. He just came out with a great UB template.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Always start with larger sizes. pixels are only affected when scaling up not down. It's blurry on the iPad because their aren't enough pixels.
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On your bitmap (8bit look) images you can enlarge them in Photoshop using "Nearest Neighbor (preserve hard edges)". You could make a badge and enlarge them 200% to speed things up.
Lump Apps and My Assets
@raycur09 @marcgreiff -- I am actually just in the progress of upgrading some of my games that were designed for iPhone and making them universal. My suggestion is taking the graphics you have, doubling their resolution and reimporting them, replacing the graphics you have. Even so, my games run OK on an iPhone 4, the performance hit is minimal if any.
I then upsized the project for the iPad screen using a method I adapted for the purpose from a universal-build template I've made. I attach the adapted version if you want to have a look whether it would be of interest.
For future projects I suggest starting with iPad size and then scaling down, using either my template (the full one) or other methods found on these forums.
Hope this helps!
@pHghost thanks for the insight! Making the game universal was kind of an after thought to be honest, the real focus was iphone/handheld. Future projects though, I think I'll be starting with iPad as the target as suggested.
out of curiosity, what are the art-size importing rules for an iPad project? is it the same rule as doubling the size for iphone retina? ie if an actor is 512x512 we would import an image that is 1024x1024.
Yes, the very same with art, since iPad is also @2x retina. The only exception to the rule is the iPhone 6 Plus (which is @3x, technically), but if you prepare graphics for iPad resolution, they should scale beautifully down to the iPhone 6 Plus.
Brilliant game so addictive and fun! left you a ✭✭✭✭✭ review on the app store
If I were you I would get on twitter right now and advertise your game with a bunch of rob ford related #.
thats awesome,thanks so much for the rating!
next stop, the twitters!
No problem
Can you see if the review went through? I posted it but when I go onto the app store page it's not there
It usually takes a couple days for a review to appear.
Nice polished game with smooth gameplay and great graphics. The only advice I would give for a game like this is to add a Game Center leaderboard and Twitter integration. Not everybody uses Game Center but a lot of people do and some of them are more likely to leave a star review since it's shown at the top of the leaderboard. Great job on the game!
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Great Game!
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@marcgreiff Great game, catchy music with delightful retro gfx. You've obviously been inspired by "Canabalt". Since you've produced a quality game (and it feels like you care for details and quality) I'll give you some suggestions as to how you can improve it even further.
Let the user break the "Tap and hold to charge your jump" timer by tapping (in order to start the game directly when tapping instead of waiting for that intro-timer to finish)
Save the selected costume and load it on the main screen (instead of using the default costume if the user has selected a different one and the user close the app and start it again).
Include an IAP that disables ads permanently (many people hate ads).
To support you a little I clicked on some ads. I then exited out of your app and flipped the "airplane mode" switch and returned to your app for some gaming. Problem solved, no more ads in your app for me. This is obviously not what you want users to do since it kills your revenue.
To take care of that situation you could include an IAP that disables ads. You could also use the new IAP system to actually give your app feedback in regards to if the user has a network connection. If there is no network connection, and if the user has not disabled ads via IAP, then trigger the display of some message (popup box) of your own on the screen like e.g. "go online to disable this annoying popup and disable all ads permanently for just $0.99" - you would do that when your normal ads would display (the ads that are not displayed because the user is offline). Use a timer that kills that message box after some seconds so the game can proceed as it would if an actual ad would be displayed. That would give a user more motive to spend that dollar and support you.
@JSproject great points!
Thanks @FallingBoxStudios!
Nice game! Love the art. good luck with downloads
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@JSproject Thanks for taking the time to write out some constructive criticism. I've heard from a few people now that the intro is too long, especially on repeat plays so I think in the first update I'll add a counter that removes the tutorial after the first few bootups, or even a checkbox to opt out of ever seeing the tutorial again.
Saving the costume to load on next play was something I debated, I ended up leaving it unsaved as a way of driving the user back to the store (which eventually will have an iap option for the costumes in addition to buying with xp).
As for the ads, this is the first time i've used ads in my games and I know the relationship between developer/ads/user is a fragile one so I want to be really careful about how I nag or push users into spending money. I feel that an interstitial ad every three deaths is fair proposition at the moment. However, dont be surprised if you see an option in the store to pay to remove ads in the next update
...oh, and gamecenter is coming too!
nothing yet @FallingBoxStudios studious, I think in the past though its taken up to a day for reviews to show up on my end...i'll await your (5?) stars lol
The app looks and runs near flawless on my iPhone 6 plus. The art is fantastic and there is a real professionalism to this game. Big congrats and keep up the good work! | Free Stuff
@FallingBoxStudios Just received your rating in the US app store, thanks m8!
@marcgreiff no problem
@marcgreiff This game is amazing! I love all of the fine little details! I think a system where you collect the bottles and save them up for power ups and stuff would make the game even more amazing! I just have one question.. How did you make the load times for each scene so fast for such large scenes? I would love to have this in my games!
Possibly by not pre-loading art? Just a guess.
Nope, just checked, no spinning loader -- single scene game.
Fantastic game! Downloaded on Google Play
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@pHghost is correct! it's a one scene game. Technically, there are loading wheels when the pause scene/show advertisement is called but I hid them with the black "fetch ad" banner at the bottom and a transparent loading wheel.
Originally, I had two power ups in the game, a jet pack and a speed boost, but took them out last minute because I wanted a really distilled, mono-focused experience such as in flappy bird, timberman, etc--just tapping and timing. I really did like the jet pack though, might save it for the eventual reskin of the game.
Tip: for those looking to hide the loading wheel such as I did, make sure your actor is at least 44x44px.
An update will be coming down the pipes soon which includes:
-gamecenter for iOS
-skip intro option
-and better ipad resolution support, I'll be looking at @pHghost and @BBEnk 's universal built methods today.
Smart thinking there!