Quantumsheep presents... Air Supply - SOS (Save Our Sheep) - coming soon(ish)

quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
edited February 2014 in Announce Your Game!
Hey all, hope you're well!

So, here we are, with another Air Supply game hot on the heels of Infinite!

I've been working on this a long, long while now (it was actually started after I finished the first AS game) but it's nearly done now I think (April hopefully).

Here's a couple of WIP shots



And here's a rough and ready vine video (6 seconds long) showing some gameplay:

(not sure if we can embed those! EDIT - We can! It happens automagically!).

UK citizens of a certain age will hopefully be grinning lots right now as they'll recognise the game's based on an old Spectrum classic by Ultimate Play the Game.

That's fine.

I won't tell anyone how old you are :D

The idea is that Quantum Sheep have been scattered around the universe. The Mothersheep (!) has tasked you with collecting them all and bringing them home!

She is, in effect, sending out an SOS - 'Save our Sheep'

In each level you'll have to fly around and pick up sheep, put them in your spaceship, and take off again!

But what's this? The Sheep have an air supply too? I wonder if it's tied in to a score multiplier maybe???

Anyway, dastardly alien scumbags stand in your way. The only answer for their kind lies at the end of a smoking laser gun!

If you've played the previous Air Supply games you can expect:

Air Supply game mechanic (air is always going down)
Unlocks-a-plenty including colour, music, characters and planets (over 10,000 combinations I think!)
The most wonderful music made on actual ZX Spectrums
A sense of humour!
No IAP - no Ads. EVER.
GameCenter leaderboards/achievements
Universal build for iphones/ipads

Phew. Well, there you have it! I hope you'll look forward to it. I'm having great fun playing, er, *working* on it myself, and I'm excited/terrified to get it into your perfectly manicured paws!

Cheers for looking!


Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io



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