Great work, that means you have a lot work to keep up with expectations @Fajlajp. Also is it just me or are all the eyes seem to be cross-eyed? Keep it up.
@MillionairApps Good eyes. Yes, most of them do appear to be slightly cross-eyed. It's the scurvy. Not enough Vitamin C in the 'ole diet I'm afraid. Terrible affliction. One only hopes that each of them may still find love someday though. Take my mother for example. She eventually did. And she was so cross-eyed that for the first 30 years of my life, she thought I was a twin.
And if that wasn't bad enough, my "twin" was her favorite son.
Wow, I just found this post from the profile mentions. @RexCarsalot great work with the visuals! The game looks amazing! I can't wait to see/hear it altogether. I sent you a PM about the fonts, I apologize for the late reply.
@Fajlajp, thanks for seeking me out on this project. Coordinating with you on the sounds has been a pleasure. I look forward to more of your game concepts!
so is this game going to be Free, when it comes out, or will it be like 60 dollars on the app store, due to the game being so advanced in graphics and other stuff.
Thanks folks for all the compliments. I'm waist deep into animating right now, trying to get all the characters to check, raise, fold, throw their arms up in disgust (which is a poker behavior I know all too well) etc. This process is going to take a while to complete, but I'm hoping to have a preview up sometime next week.
@visionexact - no worries. Saw the PM and wrote you back.
@artfish - that's what we're shooting for. It's a very long process to get things looking professional, especially when it's your first production.
@Gamelover456 - ha. really? I'll take that as a compliment. I have no idea what the programmer (Fajlajp) intends to sell it for, but I like you're enthusiasm.
iso are you making this game with game salad? i thought i was really hard to make a poker with gs, i just hope the computer AI is not as stupid like in the app governor of poker where they call all in with 7 high lol,
@guilleface - it's my understanding that the developer isn't making an AI game, but is working towards a multiplayer format, using the Asynchronous Multiplayer update.
@RP Not that I'm aware of. If you see the pirate anywhere else, let me know where they ... uh ... ARRRRRRR ... (couldn't resist). It would not surprise me at all to find similiar toon characters out there though ... I did not create the base model. Given the scope of the project and the timeline, it was more prudent to use a base mannequin created by 3D Universe, and then start custom sculpting off it. You may have seen the actual base before somewhere in the ether.
Ah, that must have been it. It's looking very good nonetheless. Keep truck'n guys! I mean sailing.
@Timolapre1998 - I'll actually be posting that character when I release an animation update here in a few days, assuming I don't run into any complications.
@gamelover456 I've not decided yet. But I thinking of making it free and use IAP so you could buy more coins etc but like I said, I´ve not decided yet.
Oh My... You got talent kid... on what software do you draw your amazing characters cuz damn they look ... wow just wow ( i don't why i'm talking like a ghetto) anyways good luck on your game i'm sure it will make lots of money 100 000 000 dollars
@luayidriss It's not me that have done the art. And rexcarsalot made a post on page 1 what program he used.
gyroscopeI am here.Member, Sous Chef, PROPosts: 6,598
@Fajlajp Hey, excellent stuff, coming on wonderfully. Continued success in getting the game together with you and your team. :-)
Just one constructive crit, to my eye: although I find the Vision Exact splash cool and professional, it goes on for much too long... then again, you might think differently.
@gyroscope, Thats great feedback. I agree, and noticed the same thing. I've made changes shortening the intro splash for VE video montages after this was created. However, if I update this video it would break the current link shared in this forum and others. I would love to get your input on the new version. Though I think its improved, it might still be too long. I'll send you a message with an example.
@gullieface Like rexcarsalot said I will try to use the async that is coming up and do a pass n play. But I will think of program and AI in the future if this game go well
@timplapre1998 Thanks But I'm afraid you will have to until the middle of the december. It's still alot to do and the async have not been released yet. But as I said,I've at least got somewhere in the coding
Also is it just me or are all the eyes seem to be cross-eyed? Keep it up.
And if that wasn't bad enough, my "twin" was her favorite son.
Just sayin ...
@Fajlajp, thanks for seeking me out on this project. Coordinating with you on the sounds has been a pleasure. I look forward to more of your game concepts!
@visionexact - no worries. Saw the PM and wrote you back.
@artfish - that's what we're shooting for. It's a very long process to get things looking professional, especially when it's your first production.
@Gamelover456 - ha. really?
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I sent you a mail
It has been a pleasure to work with you too
I hope this game turns out greater than awesome
I've not decided yet.
But I thinking of making it free and use IAP so you could buy more coins etc but like I said, I´ve not decided yet.
It's not me that have done the art. And rexcarsalot made a post on page 1 what program he used.
@Fajlajp Hey, excellent stuff, coming on wonderfully. Continued success in getting the game together with you and your team. :-)
Just one constructive crit, to my eye: although I find the Vision Exact splash cool and professional, it goes on for much too long... then again, you might think differently.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Like rexcarsalot said
I will try to use the async that is coming up and do a pass n play.
But I will think of program and AI in the future if this game go well
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But I'm afraid you will have to until the middle of the december.
It's still alot to do and the async have not been released yet. But as I said,I've at least got somewhere in the coding
Wish me good luck
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