Publishing Change ? - Blank images are now showing up as black boxes

PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
edited July 2013 in Tech Support
I have publishlished some more test vesions of my app I am currently working on and where before I would have a blank transparent image, I now have a black image. I have not upgraded anything or changed the app images in any way. I have confirmed the images are actually blank. One image is called via a table and the other image is on an actor so its not a table issue. None of it happens in the viewer or when i upload to the device using the gamesalad app. It only happens when I publish via the web. The game is an ipad game.


  • allornothingallornothing Member, PRO Posts: 126
    This is happening to me - it doesn't happen on preview build on device, only on published. It's worth noting that the same build does not seem to affect iPhone Retina... I think iPad retina is unaffected too

    Basically all actors that use a fully transparent image appear completely black
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    I thought I was crazy for a moment......I am using an ipad mini
  • natzuurnatzuur Member Posts: 304
    I've never seen this happen before, but I am now experiencing the same thing on iPad Mini as well.
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    I have confirmed that it works fine/correctly on the iPhone 5 and new ipad. It appears to only happen to non retina screens.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Not yet, wanted to make sure it was a true bug and not my issue
  • SpinachSaladSpinachSalad Member, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 12
    Hello All,

    I have also received a bug report on this as well. I will ensure that issue is logged and it brought to the developer's attention.

    Thank you
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Gracious. I'm use to it being my poor code . I'm kinda glad it's a bug...

    Thank the GS team for all the hard work . As a long time user of the tool it has really blossomed over the past few months

  • allornothingallornothing Member, PRO Posts: 126
    Is there any update on this? I've yet to publish a new build, but I'm hoping to update my app very soon as this has caused a pretty noticeable bug for a lot of my users. Any word on a fix?
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    It hasn't been fixed yet as of last night . My latest publish has the same issues.
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Any word on an estimated ETA. I still have the same issue after publishing to tonight.
  • Asobu_GamesAsobu_Games PRO Posts: 261
    +1 for having this problem on an iPad mini. Would also like to see this fixed (although it's the least of my worries at the moment!)
  • allornothingallornothing Member, PRO Posts: 126
    GS - any word? This is killing all non-retina device builds, and it's been several weeks...
  • RhiannonSaladRhiannonSalad Member, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 69
    edited August 2013
    * Is anyone getting this issue on a device other than the iPad Mini?
    * Is everyone on iOS 6?

    I tested every permutation I can think of on Non-retina iOS devices using the Nightly Build and can't reproduce this thus far. So I'm wondering if its specific to the iPad Mini...

    Would one of you mind sending me more information and/or a gameproj, I'd like to help =)
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    I only have tested it on an ipad mini on IOS 6. My game project is on GS, can you access it from there? Here is a side by side of and ad hoc build and a GS viewer build. Both on the mini ipad. Notice he black boxes for blank images.
  • allornothingallornothing Member, PRO Posts: 126
    edited August 2013
    This happens to me on standard iPad 1 - iOS 5.1.1 . To be clear, this is *definitely not* limited to just the iPad mini - I have had several complaints about the issue on various non-retina devices, including Mini, iPad 1 and iPad 2. This appears to be part of the publishing workflow, as it doesn't occur on the viewer, and appeared around weekend of July 24th. I was building multiple versions on that weekend (end of development) and it appeared during that time. I don't know if it happens on non-retina phones, as I have no way to test.

    edit: Worth pointing out that I was using GS 0.10.3, and the problem appeared without any updates or changes locally - literally published an almost identical build with some minor text field changes and it appeared on the newer one.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    A work around would be to force it to display zero until it goes over that.
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    That work around doesn't work in my situation because I use 1 scene and change the game images using tables and sometimes the "zero" should be a blank image and other times is should be a feint image. Thats why i also cant make the alpha 0 or 1 depending on the value of the actor. Smetimes it has an image. If you look at the pic the "zero" score has an image, where in my previous picture the zero is blank.

    Someone suggested making a blank image with a small pixel on it so it is not actually blank. I haven't tried that yet.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    yep put a single pixel in the blank image - it will fix it
  • Asobu_GamesAsobu_Games PRO Posts: 261
    In my case I am animating a ball getting smaller (to simulate getting sucked into a hole) and the last frame of animation is blank to show that is has fully disappeared. Thanks for the suggestion @lycettebros I'll put a single pixel in there to solve the problem for now.
  • allornothingallornothing Member, PRO Posts: 126
    Just Bumping this so it doesn't get forgotten about :) The Single Pixel Solution doesn't work for me as you can see the pixel quite clearly on non-retina pads and it's distracting.
  • natclarkenatclarke Brisbane, AustraliaMember, PRO Posts: 243
    I have this problem too. It works on all devices except the non retina screen. How do I fix this?

    Nat Clarke
    Life Cleansing

  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    I did the 1px with barely any opacity and it worked. I just wish a fix was available,
  • allornothingallornothing Member, PRO Posts: 126
    I've just returned to GameSalad to update my game, and I'm truly AMAZED that this high visibility bug is still present in the publishing pipeline. Come on GS! The bug isn't present in previews, only in the published apps. It's happens on ALL devices that are non-retina, please fix this simple simple thing.
  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274
    Yes, this still seems to be an issue.
  • luislopezcomluislopezcom Member, PRO Posts: 14
    Anyone at Gamesalad reading this? Quite terrible
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    @BazookaTime @luislopezcom

    If the problem you're having is this:
    Basically all actors that use a fully transparent image appear completely black
    I would ask why you're using fully transparent images in the first place. Why not just use self.color.alpha=0 to hide an actor?

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  • luislopezcomluislopezcom Member, PRO Posts: 14
    sometimes an actor has an animation where one of the pictures happens to be fully transparent (for instance a turning coin). In most cases it can be solved with an alpha workaround, but if you don´t have a non-retina device it´s quite a mess to upload again the binary, wait for 4 or 5 day for Apple to approve and then ask a friend to check it again if it doens´t fail, while anyone can buy it and comment in the App Store
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Okay, the need for a fully transparent image makes sense based on that. Have you -- or anyone -- submitted a bug report?

    And yes, it seems that a workaround would be to include one pixel that is 1% opaque.

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  • luislopezcomluislopezcom Member, PRO Posts: 14
    no, i just noticed the bug today. I´m submitting it now
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