Your GameSalad Professional Membership has expired.



  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    edited January 2012
    Im guessing that probably at least half of existing Pro users received their expiry email last night, or will receive it over the next few days, as most of the pro users I know got it just over a year ago at the discount price of $99.

    Right now, I wont be renewing my subscription. The only 2 Pro features I use are splash screen and URL linking, but I can live without those for now.

    Is the software worth a $500 per year subscription? Right now I have to say No. Theres still a lot of issues and bugs, and a lot of simple missing features that the software should have had months ago. A lot of feature integration is always half broken or implemented to the most basic degree. GS version release is always a nightmare, and we can never trust that we're going to be able to work ok after each update of the software.

    Do I think GS would be worth $500 if the software were complete, bug free, and to a real Pro standard and reliability.... heck yeah! But its still got some way to go until then.

    For now, I'll still continue to use GS free, and maybe start spending some time with one of my other paid up engines.... and wait to see how GS progresses over the next few months.
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    Is that with your 2 free months everyone was given
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    oh @Sandbird … that Autosave! love it!

    Lion has it cross-application Auto-save (and is really automatic) function … even the untitled use it, until actually deleted…
    but not in GS … so I often forget to save, now!

    think we should all go to What features do you want? and post a bunch of Autosave!

    @};- MH
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    Why would you want an autosave? Do you realize the potential problem that can present ? If one is implemented there had better be a way to toggle it on and off.
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    @RP … Lion also does the versions for you, so you can easily revert.

    but think your Toggle on/off is great idea would be super!

    @};- MH
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited January 2012
    Mine also expired a few days ago and not sure if i will be renewing.

    $500 is a hell of a lot of money for most people, can't argue with that.

  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    I don't have to renew my membership for a while but then i haven't made any money justifying paying another $500 ... having said that the software is worth that much imo some of the features are really powerful and its just how good of an idea your app is which will determine the money you make (and a bit of luck)... we've just got a solid platform to work off, which will definitely improve once all the tiny niggly problems are removed from GS... i do hope however they add some custom collision shapes!
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    edited January 2012
    When I bought the GS pro-membership for $99:
    I understood that … those eligible for the pro-upgrade at $99 for one year were already members at $99/year under the Express/Pro membership plans
    All the new members had absolutely free … what we Express members had paid $99 for!

    The issue to me is that those Express members who had only 1 month left on their accounts (i.e. had benefitted from their membership fee for a timeFrame of more than 91% of its cost) could pay the same upgrade-to-pro price as those members who had utilized only 0.9% of their purchase fee timeFrame.)
    In effect they paid $198 for 23 months of GS publishing use
    that I paid $198 for 16 months my use
    I know,I know early supporters were rewarded … later supporters were punished

    Additionally, when I bought the pro-membership at such a lovely,low price, I presumed that my year would begin at the expiration of my Express membership.
    stupid of me, huh?

    Will/would never,ever use

    Android features (and dislike intently their cluttering-up my pristine iOS GS)
    (for others, a separate build for Android development duplicating iOS build might have been fine with me)
    but, given MIT's project … plus the complaints/bugs/problems with the build … don't think anyone will need/use them in a few months.

    IMO the Android move is just about as bad/sad as GS trying to be our Publisher …

    I haven't used: (but, for others, I am very glad they are available)

    Advanced Tech Support
    *most of my problems are created by me
    *most of my feedback is not priority
    and if a bug merits priority, it usually occurs on a weekend!

    might try Klip if/when available

    have 1 game completed that has 14 in app URL links …
    but, one beta-tester pointed-out that makes the game too jumpy
    so will scrap the URLs and clean-up the game this week

    Thus the only real use of Pro for me, with the its current features set, has been:

    Custom Splash Screen

    $500.00/year for 1-2 games, is a lot to pay for that feature!
    In any event, I think that because GS has done so much for me, it is time I let them have the 1stView recognition!

    also, I am leery that next Pro features will be: (though they are okay and others who do need/want them should have them)

    Twitter: last I checked tweets came from bird-brains
    Facebook: and I never get in your face bookwise or otherwise

    IMO in a super game … our users should be kept too busy/interested to want chat with friends!

    Ultimately, I would prefer that $500 from me contributed to better performance, new GUI, and video integration
    That is: a concentration of GS in-house resources on developer's priorities, rather than our products' endUser's wants.
    I seriously and sincerely, would like to pay funds in support of GS for features that would help me/others improve our products.
    I am in no financial position to make a $500 charitable donation!

    @};- MH
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    I'm sure the price will drop below $200 before too long - competition from Stencyl alone will force this.
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    @MotherHoose. That's part of it, there are people that are not on Lion.

    And I ain't lion! :)
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    edited January 2012
    @GameDivision - Yup I had the 2 months..or at least I think i did as GS doesnt send out any email of any kind pertaining to your membership.

    @Rob2...Dude wow! Had no idea about this iStencyl! Looks promising and some competition for sure. I will have to let my cousin know about this as he really wants to use GS but is on PC. AND it has joints.
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    i originally payed the full amount $500
    i'm not renewing,performance is far from satisfactory to condone paying that amount.
  • osalzanoosalzano Member, PRO Posts: 136
    edited January 2012
    $150 - $200 for me is an affordable price.
    Definitely, for $500 I won't renew. Simple as that.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    Me neither/
  • SandbirdSandbird Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2012
    Autosave doesnt have to be on the same can be a temp a backup when it crashes your original is intact if you didnt save before, and for example a popup shows asking whether you want the Last Session or the original file opened.
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited January 2012
    If it serves as a back up fine. If I need to restore to a previous version, Like Final cut. That's cool in my book.
    My big fear is overwriting my file with corruption or an unnoticed bug. I have a lot open at once so my chances are increased. Then again, I'm over cautious due to deadline work where I have meet the ugly face of file/project f--- ups before. AHHHH!
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Well. it looks like mine ran out today. I had no idea when it was up, so it was a slight surprise.

    And (I feel bad about this) I have not renewed.
    Last time was a no brainer, as we had the $99 special offer thing....but as it stands at the mo, it feels like I can't justify the $500 right now.

    I love Gamesalad by the way. It's been a wonderful gateway into the world of iOS development over the last 2 years....even with all it's flaws.

    I'd love to be convinced that renewing is the right thing to do though if anyone fancies a try ;)

    Call it fate or what have you....but I submitted an update to a game last night with IAP in there...and it ran out today.

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    I guess a lot of us jumped on board the $99 Pro offer when it came around...

    I got my Pro membership expiry email yesterday...

    I'm tempted to get Pro again, just before I release my game, though as always money is tight. Might have to put it on a credit card in the hope that it is quickly rewarded.

    I've made a bit of money over the past 2 years... technically I've earn enough to buy pro a good few times over... but it all just disappears into a world of normal spending....

    I certainly think it's worth it as it is... buggy software and all...

    I know its not first and best selling game did it all with the Free version...

    If I did plump up the cash and get pro, I'd be doing for the whole thing.

    - Custom Splash Screen... (Not because I really mind be associated with some of the rubbish that gets produced, as I feel the normal app buyer wouldn't even know... but because I like the idea of looking 100% professional when showing people my work...also I'm addicted to the idea of making a brilliant indie game and think the indie game community may frown upon the game at first glance.... and I guess I think it would be hard to ever get a TouchArcade review with a GameSalad splash screen...)
    - Game Centre.... I like being able to offer a global high score system...and think this gives people a reason to buy a full version of a game
    - In App Purchases - My current game was made with this in mind... I could launch it it does well I could then add it.... allowing people to buy credits to spend in the game...rather than putting the time in to earn the credits in the game...
    - Links to my other games...and a review page (It makes so much sense to give an easy link for the player to leave a review after playing your game and achieving a high score...You know they like the game so asking them to leave a positive review could result in so many more sales...also linking to your other games is yet another strong way to secure more sales off the back of the first...

    - iAds... I'd also like to do a Lite version with iAds... then they can pay via in app purchases to unlock the full game and turn off iAds... and if they're a bit tight and never pay any money the iAds will earn a bit... (I was getting over $200 a month at one point with iAds on 'Quake Builder & the Asteroids'.)

    Anyway...what will i do... by writing this I think I've convinced myself to do it... now where's my credit card...
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    edited January 2012
    I'm only renewing if the price is lower - closer to what this iStencyl is like, which Rob2 pointed out. It looks great but I havent had a chance to try it yet.

    I got an email back saying they wouldnt even give me a 2 week extension as my game is about to go live with Pro features, they said no tough luck.

    It would've been nice to send us a 2 week warning email about the expiry.
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