Where have all the Templates gone?



  • kkertzkkertz Member Posts: 12
    Thanks simo103... I appreciate it!
  • AnbaziaAnbazia Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2012
    Any news yet?.....nothing
  • SandbirdSandbird Member Posts: 69
    I am working at a hosting company and i know what "stress" can do to a server. But i'll tell you this. We've made 3 big newspaper sites that get a lot of traffic during the day. Only one of them is hosted on its own server and it can handle tons of users viewing, downloading and submitting at the same time. I highly doubt it that the GS server gets about half a million requests per month, to be that stressed out. All i have to say is that the server costs 1 (yes 1) GS Pro license value per year and it can handle all the stress with 33% CPU and 2gig ram.
    So please...you can easily fix this problem by sharing the 'stress' to 2-3 servers...instead of limiting any SQL queries to 100. Besides you can use caching (per day or something) to solve any extra stress. You dont have to have a live feed to the server.
    Common guys, the templates is the number one help for tons of users. Its your number one promoting service. The first thing anyone sees when they start using GS.
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    edited January 2012
    Thanx @simo103 … for the links to your great ones!

    @};- MH
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    edited January 2012
    Perhaps a place in the website where we can access all of them.... and maybe moderate the publishings..... maybe scan the code...
  • tragusfistulatragusfistula Member Posts: 2
    As a total newbie I am working through learning GameSalad and not having access to tutorials that are repeatedly referenced in the forums (Orb's line drawing tutorial for example) at first made me think the software was broken, and then make me think that the templates were no longer available due to an inactive of declining community.

    I see that these things are not true, but that is the perception of one person newly diving into GameSalad. I agree with some of the others, it would be nice to have an iPhone mail-esque option to "Continue Search on Server", or to link to a webpage that houses the older templates if that is for some reason not possible.

    My noob cents
  • joerikerkhofjoerikerkhof Member Posts: 9
    Make a load 100 more button please
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    So why don't you put them into categories,load only the category names,when you click on the category for the template you want, it populates the templates for that particular category.plus things would be easier to find,less stress on servers.
  • EireStudiosEireStudios Member Posts: 451
    @SaladStraightShooter Do you have an update on this topic for us yet mate?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    @SaladStraightShooter While that sounds like a reasonable way to bring them back temporarily Its going to be a problem rather quickly. I have noticed in the past the junk projects that people turn around and publish often are still named the same as the original demo that was used to start with. Therefor very quickly the list will again become junk. Can I ask why is the Wb team not able to place a download link back on the arcade pages for these downloadable projects? Ever since removing the download ability directly from the arcade page getting demos and templates out to the community has been a major pain. Now when I tell someone I made them something I also have to give an explanation of how they can actually get the file. When before HTML5 I could simply give a link to the demo online and they could play it and then download it.
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    @SSS ... I would like to take a last stab at conveying how important I think this is to be sorted correctly - for the community, but also very much for GS. User generated content - templates/demos - and forum advice/help is hugely valuable to your company. Entire businesses are based on user generated content (Facebook etc) and GS should covet/protect and encourage it so it adds to GS's 'value'. We have an extremely poor search 'feature', poor definitions page (unless I'm missing a better one), lost old forum posts and now an inability to properly share demo templates. Quite a few in the last few weeks have been amazing - rotation off center, constraining like joints etc and they were all hosted on third party download sites and once the forum post gets old will likely not be found again. Now considering that anyone is handicapped when looking for help themselves .. they ask the forum and the talents and help of the talented community are 'wasted' answering things that have been covered hundreds of times before. Thus GS is also wasting the excellent value of help members give live each day by frustrating them. I'm off my soapbox now but as a business owner (outside of my game making 'hobby') I'd like to think this is important to mention.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    perhaps users can rate them. a lot of them are pure junk. and many of the good ones by are buried.
  • osalzanoosalzano Member, PRO Posts: 136
    edited January 2012
    @SaladStraightShooter said:
    Demo download from the arcade may be part of the final solution - I'll inquire to see how this could be accomplished. Arcade needs some love, to be sure.
    Simple and effective solution, @SSS.
    I think it also solves the issue of templates ads in the forum. Many of us are probably are looking for templates to buy or download from other users because they want to understand how things work. At least it's my case. The demos always helped me a lot. Without them, as much as I have almost 2 years of experience in GS, I really feel a little lost.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    As much experience as I have with gs, I stool look to templates to get things done fast and effectively! :) bring back the download link please!
  • greenrhynogreenrhyno Member, PRO Posts: 152
    This is still broken, not bringing up anything in the search. Also, in the arcade I went here http://arcade.gamesalad.com/game/play/79364 and here http://arcade.gamesalad.com/game/3456 and neither worked. I downloaded the plugin and tried running them in Safari and still no dice. Is there something I'm missing?
  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember, PRO Posts: 272
    Please bring back the download link! There's several templates I want to find and they don't come up in the 100 or so. Sad face!
  • JoeMeisterJoeMeister Member Posts: 602
    I started this post almost 4 weeks ago. 4 weeks SSS.
    Are you hoping that the problem just goes away?
    Put them back on your server create a link that works and lets move on.
    And like greenrhyno said there are other broken links.
  • codematescodemates Member Posts: 112
    Does anyone have a copy of the pendulum, elastic and swing knight template that they can share?

    Also, will this issue ever be resolved?

  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    @codemates ... think this is what you are after:

  • codematescodemates Member Posts: 112
    @simo103 Thanks! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Do you happen to have the pendulum and elastic template too? I wish they would resolve this issue first than ....
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    give me a sec .. I will check (I renamed a lot of the templates so it will take me a couple of secs to check)
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    @codemates ... I had two versions of each which appear to have a few different elements that may be of use to you:


    +1000 on GS resolving this ... in the past month alone numerous awesome members have created templates to help people and uploaded them to outside download sites. That valuable info if now lost/hidden in the unsearchable forum .. such a waste ...
  • codematescodemates Member Posts: 112
    @simo103 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I should have done the same thing you did and compile a collection of all of the available templates. There were great examples on there to learn from. I hate for all to go to waste. Maybe someone can setup a free templates repository and make it available there.
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    @codemates ... no problem .. glad to help. I have been considering a web page for all the templates I have but wanted to see if GS did something first ... and the fact that they are not mine ie: is there an issue with me doing so. Perhaps someone at GS could weigh-in and/or others on their thoughts over ownership and rights etc.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    I know I'm a little late to this thread, but what about having a voting system whereby users can vote (say, 0-4 stars) for the templates that appear? And after a specified time -- maybe a week -- those that have very few votes or a low rating are taking out to make room for new templates? And the highest-rated templates could appear at/near the top? That way, all of these marvelous demos and helpful templates could be front and center for all of us.

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  • SandbirdSandbird Member Posts: 69
    This is so easy to fix....its been 4 months since we last talked about this....
    Dont show all the templates if you cant.....but let the SEARCH function work.
    Common how "stressful" can the search be ? If you cant make a simple SQL search function working...then i am sorry but your hardware is for crap.
  • deadlightsdeadlights Member, PRO Posts: 235
    I'm also wondering where/when the templates will be back.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    @SaladStraightShooter Thanks for the fix. I just saw that now I can see and access FMG older demos and even CodeMonkey's ^:)^

  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    Love ya! … SSS

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    There are some amazing templates in there. I think I just maxed out my Dropbox account. Thank you!!!

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