Fukushima Meltdown
Member Posts: 37
Should be approved in about a week........
The reactors have been damaged and are overheating.
As a Brave and Heroic Firefighter Your Mission is to spray water to cool them down before they explode!
Fukushima Meltdown
Cool the reactors down before they overheat, explode and meltdown. Use your firetruck to spray water on the reactors. Dangerous radiation is released if the reactors get too hot, explode.
Please Consider Donating to Help Japan
The reactors have been damaged and are overheating.
As a Brave and Heroic Firefighter Your Mission is to spray water to cool them down before they explode!
Fukushima Meltdown
Cool the reactors down before they overheat, explode and meltdown. Use your firetruck to spray water on the reactors. Dangerous radiation is released if the reactors get too hot, explode.
Please Consider Donating to Help Japan
unless you're donating all proceeds to the red cross, this is in poor taste (IMO)
... maybe a bit too hot to release but hey who knows. It'll certainly get some press... even if its bad press.
If Apple say no due to it all still kicking off at the reactor in Japan you can always change the name...
But yeah, this is a bit bad at the moment...
I am SO incredibly disgusted by this. The last line; "Please Consider Donating to Help Japan" could also give people the idea buying your app is somehow helping Japan - it isn't like you're including a link, even.
I hope Apple doesn't approve this.
By the way; your Bob Levy app - you have permission to use his image and voice, yeah? (Just checking.)
"You don't even 'die' in it!", my ass.
What begins with F and ends with UCK.... and it's not firetruck....
On your follow up game, are you going to advertise "Brought to you by the people that made a game based on a Nuclear meltdown that killed people that had families, and displaced thousands of people" "We care, please donate, but anyway check out this awesome game i made, tons of death and destruction based on actual events that just happened!!, please donate to help, but buy my game!!!, look at the sad mother crying, her son just died trying to prevent a nuclear meltdown!!!! so sad, look at those tears in Retina Display!"
They should send you out there to deal with the problems and see how much fun you will have!!!
I thought I could be over reacting but it appears some people are feeling the same way. Not saying you've done anything wrong just yeah, a tad too soon.
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Slight Positives:
- Looks decent
- Easy to market/go viral etc cause controversy
- Disaster mission is still ongoing
- reminds people of the 12157 died, 15,500 missing
- Angry people could come after you
I think even if Apple let it slip through at first they will likely pull it should they get any bad publicity like the recent gay cure app. Your best waiting for 6 months before releasing this. #bad_taste
It's a joke there are way to many worse things happening in the world. The amount of time you spent contemplating and typing your disgust you could be thinking of ideas to help Japan.
Listen... once you figure out what a joke everything is, being the Comedian's the only thing that makes sense.
Gota love The Watchmen
Do you realise what it must be like for people who have family lying dead after the tsunami inside that nuclear exclusion zone, unable to recover their bodies and give them a proper burial. Unsure whether they will ever be able to return to their homes. Sorry man, I can't get over how f**king ignorant and selfish this is (made worse that you don't see a problem). Some of these firefighters and workers received dangerous radiation doses that could cause them a lifetime of cancer problems. But hey, for just 99c you can now have all the fun of the tragedy without your family and friends dying.
This physically sickens me and if they actually approve it then I will be the first lining up to complain to apple.
On a more positive note, watch this:
And donate if you can.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Are you $%#! kidding me.