State of GameSalad on 9-25-2013



  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @Singlesparq the quote also said, "same with the regular builds." I am to assume that regular builds implies non nightlys. Perhaps i'm wrong. But then, why bring up nightlys in a forum clearly about a regular official build?
    Anyways this is semantics. Bugs are bugs. They exist. There's evidence they exist. There's no question they exist. Its even mentioned in the actual discussion topic. I'm just happy that GameSalad is addressing them :) We all appreciate those efforts.
    To those unaffected, that's awesome! I hope it continues for you.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    @Singlesparq the quote also said, "same with the regular builds." I am to assume that regular builds implies non nightlys. Perhaps i'm wrong. But then, why bring up nightlys in a forum clearly about a regular official build?
    Anyways this is semantics. Bugs are bugs. They exist. There's evidence they exist. There's no question they exist. Its even mentioned in the actual discussion topic. I'm just happy that GameSalad is addressing them :) We all appreciate those efforts.
    To those unaffected, that's awesome! I hope it continues for you.
    yes I would presume that too since nightlies don't have iOS7 upgrade.

  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    I have to say 10.4 aside from those 3 or 4 bugs, has been pretty impressive thus far. I'm anxiously awaiting 10.4a and hoping to also maybe see a 10.1 ios 7 update as well. A man can dream can't he? ;)
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited September 2013
    I don't deny there are always a handful of bugs from time to time. But if I had a nickel for every thread I read claiming the problem is a bug, I'd be rich. Almost everytime I say post the code I can spot the error in about ten seconds. You have to invest the time really understanding how rules really work and how each behavior is designed to function. Over the years I have made little demo projects just testing out what can and can't be done with a behavior. Same with multi touch, I set out to figure out how and why it works by setting up test projects and breaking down each area. Just recently I spent time doing tests on what self attributes of and actor can and can't be modified at runtime. I'm going to do a video on it. Most people just jump in and never spend the time to really understand how this software really works. Fortunately you have others and myself who do the work of experimenting and sharing that info with you. Lots of times is invested in this work but it's because we are extremely passionate about making games. We all know GS's documentation is horrible so it's always been up to use to figure it out. Most of what is out there for knowledge comes from a handful Of past and present people devoted to the software. They read the forums religiously and generously share valuable information with their Competition. In most places Helping your Competition is crazy yet this great community is very generous with their knowledge.

    I do use 10.4 for my client projects but I use the nightly to publish Android versions. Just updated three projects with 10.4 no issues.
  • iamcarteziamcartez Houston, TexasMember Posts: 648
    edited September 2013
  • games4fungames4fun Member Posts: 185
    Any idea on how long till you guys make the Amazon in-apps live?

    Seriously questioning what's going on there. Like others are saying you release a stable version over 4 months after the your last one and really no new features. iOS 7 wasn't part of the nightly builds so what's going on. Then this version doesn't even have the one new feature your talking about yet amazon in apps. Also noticing a trend with every recent stable release comes a patch for all the bugs we find.

    At this rate gamesalad is going to be in beta for 20 to life.
  • CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143
    edited September 2013

    I hear you, @games4fun. Right now, we're waiting on Amazon to approve a press release before we turn on the Kindle Fire / Amazon stuff. Silly, I know, but there it is.

    Totally understood on the release timing. I can wax philosophical about why the delay is there. Lots of effort and changes have gone into nightly builds. Coders were basically just putting whatever they wanted right into user hands. Problem is that QA wasn't testing it. So, when we pinched off 0.11.0 they had to play catch up. Then we finalized an agreement with Amazon and brought GameCircle / IAP into 0.10.4. That's trumped 0.11.0 for now. iOS 7 bugs further complicated things -- as did some mistakes in setting up the 0.10.4 release branch.

    Boo hoo, poor me. :)

    The solution is nearly here though. There's a convergence of three developments that resolve this problem of timely releases:

    1. Nightly builds being fixed. These will be back up and running in a matter of days. Then iOS 7 compatibility will be in nightlies along with other features.

    2. QA testing out of nightly builds. Yeah, let QA test what you guys get as we deliver it. Crazy idea, right?

    3. Pinching off builds directly out of nightly when things look stable.

    It's been really instructive overseeing this recent release. I've learned a bunch about our processes and how to make them better. Tweaks incoming!

    We've been deep in refactoring how we organize, build and deploy code. This is huge! We're also laying the groundwork for native plugins and further engine extensibility. I've been pretty transparent on these things in the epic "State of GameSalad" posts.

    Getting so close I can taste it. Bear with us while we get things situated!
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970

    So you think 10.4a might be released today still?

    Confused on your last post, so 10.4 doesn't have iOS7 compatibility? Ever since they released iOS7 I have been getting people complaining of crashes that weren't happening prior to it.

    Lastly, I posted this in another thread, but i'll ask here. Was comparing table booleans in rules something you added in the nightlys? Is it in 10.4 or would it be in 11?
  • CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143
    edited September 2013
    0.10.4 does have iOS 7 compatibility. And 0.10.4a should be released any minute now. Let me get back to poking the staff. :)

    No, the comparing booleans is not in 0.10.4. Look for the updated nightlies any day now.
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970

    Great, thank you for the prompt reply. Really happy to see the leaps and bounds GS has been making in recent months. HUGE improvements from a year ago... even 6 months ago.

    Last questions. Any chance you could update us on the RevMob situation?
    Still negotiating with RevMob and how longs that lookin? Is ground work for it being done? Any chance it will be in nightlys? (As unlikely as it may be) Any chance for it being in 11 or any clue as to a time frame for release? I won't hold you too it, that is just something I desperately can't wait for because my free games take huge hits from Mobclix inability to pay.

    For me, everything else after RevMob is gravy... icing on the cake :D
  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,880
    edited September 2013
    I've been pretty transparent on these things in the epic "State of GameSalad" posts.
    Getting so close I can taste it. Bear with us while we get things situated!
    @CodeWizard -- Just so you know. We really, really, really appreciate the level of transparency that you and other members of the GS team are showing. While being this transparent in the forum probably does come at a cost (i.e. complaints and such), most of the time a high level of transparency instills a sense of trust and confidence in GameSalad (both the product and the company). Keep it up!
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited September 2013
    Just recently I spent time doing tests on what self attributes of and actor can and can't be modified at runtime. I'm going to do a video on it. Most people just jump in and never spend the time to really understand how this software really works.
    In my opinion, these things should be marked by Creator (a small indication icon, nothing fancy)- it shouldn't be up to us to test and see which ones work and which don't.

    Anyways, I'm really happy with the somewhat recent changes in management...I don't recall GS ever being this efficient, organized, and open. :)

  • CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143
    Version 0.10.4a is live now! We've got fixes for camera rotation inversion, cross promotion bar issues, viewer bugs, and splash screen issues in it!

    No need to update. Just republish to get the update.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    @CodeWizard - Awesome! Thanks for taking extra time to fix these issues! You guys rock!
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    All right! Back to submitting again! Thanks Mr. Wizard and friends.
  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited September 2013
    Still getting that Legacy warning when uploading to iTunes.
  • CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143
    Yup. That's not fixed yet. It's all good for now. Probably until iOS 8 :)
  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826
    @CodeWizard Thank you so much for the update and the great work. I can verify that the splash screen issue is sorted. Now it's time to repackage my camera rotation game and test it. Once again thank you and to the team for the regular updates and the great work. Much appreciated. Cheers ;-)
  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826
    Camera rotation is working as expected as well. Just tested on an ad hoc and all is sweet ... Cheers ;-)
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2013
    @codewizard there was some concern from a few users and confirmed in a bug report email, of an issue where some images appeared slightly off centered in our games. I'm curious if this was fixed and or if this was ultimately proven to not be a bug? Thanks! :)
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    @chakku the surest way to get the results you want in life is to take matters into one's own hands. You can't wait for others to do it for you. Yeah GS isn't everything you want but neither is life. Success comes to those who own their destiny and do for themselves. How will one ever pioneer anything if they are always following someone else? As Yoda said do or do not there is no try.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    @chakku the surest way to get the results you want in life is to take matters into one's own hands. You can't wait for others to do it for you. Yeah GS isn't everything you want but neither is life. Success comes to those who own their destiny and do for themselves. How will one ever pioneer anything if they are always following someone else? As Yoda said do or do not there is no try.
    As much as I do appreciate your advice on philosophy, I honestly don't think it's too relevant here.

    Knowing which attributes can and can't be changed at runtime is something I really should be able to know. Even an official list on the cookbook should be minimum, if it isn't implemented as a tiny icon next to the attribute in creator.

    For GameSalad to give me an idea of what to make is unreasonable- for that, I should take matters into my own hands.

    But for these kinds of things, it's completely reasonable to expect that I don't have to test each and every attribute when a list and/or small indication would be so easy to include.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    GS has been like this for years as to documentation. Some of us have been bitching about it for years to no avail. True GS should do lots of things but they don't have the staff for it. So in light of that I chose to put my energy into what I can do not things I have no control over.
  • bricksingllcbricksingllc Member Posts: 44

    I hear you, @games4fun. Right now, we're waiting on Amazon to approve a press release before we turn on the Kindle Fire / Amazon stuff. Silly, I know, but there it is.

    Any update on the status of turning on Amazon IAP, etc.?
  • CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143
    No update. I so want to just turn it on. :D
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited October 2013

    It's that time of week again... ;)

  • dmilinovichiiidmilinovichiii Member Posts: 620
    I am building a game from scratch in the nightly and haven't encountered any major problems. The game has been though like ten updates. Same with the regular builds. I've build five apps for clients in the last few months and never have the types of issues I see posted. None of them were simple apps or games either. I don't understand how my experience can be so radically different from others?
    I'm in the same situation as you. I have been using GameSalad for almost four years now and in that time, I have made quite a few games with complex game mechanics and I have yet to experience a single bug other that GameSalad crashes. So, you aren't alone.
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