Assistance Needed to Improve Gamesalad Game Performance

peter_90peter_90 Member Posts: 2
edited August 1 in Miscellaneous

Hello Everyone🤗,

I've been using Gamesalad for a short while, and I've been working for my initial video game project for the past several weeks. Though I'm thrilled with my progress, I've recently run across some performance problems that I'm finding difficult to fix. Here, I'm hoping to pick up some tips and knowledge from more seasoned coders.

The side-scrolling platformer game I'm making has a tonne of animated characters & dynamic scenery. While the game plays smoothly in the beginning, as it gets farther into the game as more assets load, I start to notice noticeable lag and frame dips.

I have the following specific problems:

Frame Rate Drops: Intense action sequences with numerous characters and background components moving at once cause a noticeable frame rate drop.

Loading Duration: The changes between scenes are accompanied by observable delays. Although I've tried fewer assets in each scene, the issue still exists.

Memory Usage: On devices with lower specs, games might crash due to unpredictable spikes in memory usage.

I've tried the following so far to deal with these problems:

Asset Optimisation: I've compressed my music files and lowered the size of my photos, however this hasn't really improved performance.

Actor Recycling: In order to reduce the amount of new actors that spawn during gaming, I've created actor recycling.

Code Optimisation: I may be overlooking some best practices, but I've tried to optimise my code by cutting back on an excessive amount of rules and behaviours.

Any pointers or recommendations on how to improve Gamesalad game performance would be much appreciated. Are there any particular methods or tools I ought to be using in Gamesalad? Are there typical hazards I should stay away from?

Thank you in advance.


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