Ads cannot be displayed. How do I choose the relevant options in Android Settings?

SmiteSmite TaiwanMember, PRO Posts: 41

I have previously uploaded iOS and can display test ads normally

The same file uploaded to Google Play cannot be displayed.

I think I may not have set it correctly in Gamesalad's Android Settings.

What options should I check or not check?

I don’t understand the meaning of some options (I’m not from an English-speaking country)

I would like to ask you about the options for ads to work properly and how to choose them.

I'll put up my screenshot

What if I uncheck all the Extra Permissions Required options?

Interstitial ads not responding when they should appear

These messages will pop up when Ad Reward should appear.

Please tell me how to choose these options

In order for Chartboost ads to work properly

By the way, the Custom Launch Image at the beginning of the game is not displayed.

I uploaded the specified size but it is not displayed normally. Which option should I change?

It shows the app icon in the middle of the screen instead of the picture I uploaded.

(By the way, the app icon is surrounded by a white circle instead of showing the full size I set)

I hope experienced friends can help me.


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