Ultrakick FC available for IOS

geoascenciogeoascencio Member, PRO Posts: 67

It's a pretty simple game but it's fun as heck to play with friends, more game modes, teams, and arenas coming soon. Let me know what you guys think.


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,346

    Congrats on the release Geo, it's a fun game!

  • geoascenciogeoascencio Member, PRO Posts: 67

    @Armelline Thank you! I would’ve never finished it without your help and the help of the Gamesalad community!!

  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 285

    This is slick! Very Pro feel to it. Will leave a review. Great job @geoascencio

    GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace: http://gshelper.com

  • geoascenciogeoascencio Member, PRO Posts: 67

    @uptimistik Thank you so much for the review!!

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,346

    You did a fantastic job with it, one of the most polished feeling games I've seen! The CPU opponents are no joke, though!

  • geoascenciogeoascencio Member, PRO Posts: 67
    edited February 7

    @Armelline Thanks! That means a lot!! I was thinking of adding an extra hard mode, is it already too hard?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,346

    I am very bad at games so definitely don't use me as a barometer :D

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member Posts: 527

    Hello @geoascencio congratulations and good luck with those sales, do you only have the purchase to unlock? or do you also have ADs?

    I would like to inform you that the game crashes, it happens to me 3 times, the first time before the first game, the other 2 times at the moment the CPU score the second goal. I'm playing it on a 6th generation iPad. Then I'll try it on an iPhone XS and tell you how it goes.

  • MageCatGamesMageCatGames Member Posts: 22

    Great Job!

  • geoascenciogeoascencio Member, PRO Posts: 67

    @MageCatGames Thanks!

  • geoascenciogeoascencio Member, PRO Posts: 67

    @CasualEvolution Oh no! I'll look into this, thank you for letting me know! I did notice the game drops frames when playing music or videos in the background. Was this happening when you were playing? I've done a lot of testing on iPhone X, XS, 11, 13, and iPad Pro 7th gen, iPad Air 5th gen, but not 6th gen! Let me know if it crashes again, I appreciate the heads-up!

    Also, I have ads, they should start showing up after you play 2 matches. I did notice that the Reward video ads aren’t showing up. I thought it would take a couple of days but still nothing. I think it might have something to do with my website site missing the "app-ads.txt"

    If anyone is playing and sees the video reward ads, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know that it's working.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member Posts: 527

    It crash on each run… if you wish, I can save a gameplay video and send to you. Send me a PM with your email to send a we transfer with a couple of crashes :)

  • geoascenciogeoascencio Member, PRO Posts: 67

    @CasualEvolution Yeah, that would be great, thanks! I'll DM you.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,121

    @CasualEvolution what version of iOS are you running, probably something we should look into too.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member Posts: 527

    Hi @adent42 my iPad has ipadOS 16.6

    If I had to bet I would say it's a memory problem... I have no way to do it, but maybe you can run the project through Xcode and see what happens with the ram usage?

    I'll try to install it on my iPhone to see how it go.

  • adriangomezadriangomez Member, PRO Posts: 438

    It doesn't crash for me. I tried on my iPhone 13.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member Posts: 527

    No problem in iPhone XS

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