Castle Climber Lite

peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
I've just finally gotten my lite version into the app store after around 12 days.

If anyone felt like downloading, rating, reviewing, etc - that'd be mighty helpful.

Also, I have a mini update waiting for approval on Castle Climber which will add two new characters, with more levels coming next update :)

Thanks all!



  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    I'll download it :D
    If itunes doesn't go crazy like always, I'll review it!
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    If you could that would be great, but if it doesn't let you I understand - that's happened to me too, more than a few times, lol.

    Thank you either way for the effort :)
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Done. It's on the italian store.
    The controls felt a bit awkward (hope it's written like this), but it was nice :)
    Didn't get past level 2, though. Too much inertia for me, just hit all the red bombs :)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Yeah level 2 on lite is actually level 5 on the proper game.

    The controls I'm still working on a solution too - some people have liked all the sliding, thinking it's challenging and you have to be quick, others just hit bombs.

    We'll see what happens :) Thanks for the feedback.
  • DaneC020DaneC020 Member Posts: 90
    Going to go download it now and check it out. I wish you best of luck with your app! I think it has a unique style which is always a good thing. I will let you know how the controls feel later today when I get a chance to give it a go.

    If you have time I just released my game as well this week and I think there are still some promo codes up. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me feed back as well?

  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Hey Peach, I'm sorry, I totally forgot to review the full version of your game I downloaded (things have been a bit stressed lately), but I'll download this version right now and review them both. Best of luck!
  • DaneC020DaneC020 Member Posts: 90
    I checked out the game and think there is a lot of promise to it. I did however discover a bug that makes it easy to cheat. It looks like you do a collision check to see if they can jump, which is fine but probably need to addnsome fail safes in there as well. If you collide with the bottom or the side of a platform and press jump you can float on up. I had myself floating under a platform for awhile to test the limitations.

    Other than that bug everything looks good. What type of enemies you got in the final version?

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