GameSalad Creator 1.25.100 for macOS Release
- Fixes for upside down icons in Preview
- Updated to Freestick 0.3.2 which will allow for MFI controllers on Mac as well as the PS4 controller V2.
- Updated freeimage to match same version in engine (removed TIFF, EXR, and RAW support).
- Extra GC and memory leak fixes to reduce memory leaked between projects.
- Fixed issue where rules clear out when behavior list is scrolled.
- Fixed misc issues that broke 1.25.99 under MacOS 10.12
- Updated APK signing flow to use apksigner instead of jarsigner.
For people who haven't been tracking the other release thread, Creator holds some memory between projects. Creator will release all memory when closed, so if you are working with big projects, it's probably best to close GameSalad completely and re-open it for your next project.
Next up: fixes around the custom resolution flow inside of preview. Looking further into sources of memory leaks.
Great, thanks! 👍
This build has been super stable for me! Great work team
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Thanks, we're still disappointed all the leaks aren't gone, but we'll be working to eliminate / reduce them more them for our next release. Right now our team is working on Windows creator and android updates.
i appreciate the work you guys are doing @adent42 . thanks.
Annoyingly this version auto updated on my Mac running 10.14.6. No popup, no choice, just downloaded itself and over written 1.25.98. This happened a few versions back too. Can you look into this please @adent42 as when you release new versions, I have no control over the update. last time I had to upgrade my OS because of this and lost a days work. There must be something you have changed that forces the upgrade. It never used to auto update itself, I used to get a pop up and I could decline but this version just installed itself and the first I new about it was when I saw I buggy interface (light elements in dark mode) so I check the version and its .100
Hopefully this version is good and doest cause any major issues.
@gingagaming it might have been the newest version of Sparkle we added. My update prompted, so I didn't look into it more. I'll try a fresh install at some point to see what the defaults are.
@gingagaming if you run into any problems, let me know and I'll post a link to the older version.
But if I download the older version, it works ONCE but when closed and reopened, its the new version! and with the memory issue, we have to close and reopen creator multiple times a day so that means I have to reinstall the older version time and time again. Because what it must do is overwrite the current version whilst we are using creator but not use it until we close and relaunch.
Hi. When you install old version you can rename like gamesalad xxxx. Then launch preferences and turn off check for updates option.
@gingagaming my guess is that you can change settings on the newer one, download the older one and they'll stick. So try: GameSalad -> Preferences and uncheck "Automatically Check for GameSalad Updates". Then download the older version. Hopefully that will stick and not download the newer version.
Hi currently i still using the .99 version because the .100 sometime crash... and i need to restart the Creator...
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Can you send me the output of the crash log popup if you see it @pinkio75 ?
Simply the Creator rest in stuck... and i need to press cmd+alt+esc to force quit.
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Please can you fix the new app signing screen so it remembers the paths we set. Its a pain to have to keep setting these things when GS app-signs from the portfolio screen, does the download and presents us with the last part to sign. It must be possible to write these settings to the project file or local storage.
Im getting the same @pinkio75 @adent42 Sometime it just hangs and looks like this. It doesn't crash, just hangs so there is no crash report! This particular time, I pressed preview followed by home. Only way out id force quit and lose all your work.
Yes the same for me... @adent42 i've send You a video example about this error.
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I found it hangs randomly and alot quicker when opening 2 projects. :-(
@adent42 any idea when you will have a fix for this crash? I had to go back to .98.
Not yet, we're still working on the android release and the windows build. Unfortunately due to the nature of this particular crash, even when we get to it I won't have a solid timeframe, but we are aware of the issue.
Based on what I know I would suggest the following:
1.25.98 if you have a bigger project and keep 1.25.100 around for android signing, if you can't sign via command line.
1.25.100 if you're working on smaller projects (I think the freeze and related issues are memory sensitive).
Just to confirm what @adent42 said my projects are small and so far no problems with .100.
I found it hanging with projects of less than 5 scenes. I can work around it so no probs for me.
I need to rebuild my mac due to too many msc creator .98 crashes every minute or so.
I am on Catalina and asking if anyone is running .98 on macOS 10.14: Mojave? Thanks.
Hi ' i'm using GS 100 with Mojave 10.14.6 i've a lot of crashes during my work, usually when open multiple prj in the same time.
Anyway earlier i had installed the .99 and .98 without issue in Mojave.
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Thanks for the into. I'm guessing the memory fixes are causing issues, so I may need to revert some of them.
We're hoping to wrap up testing on the Android RC today, and I can swing back to the MacOS creator.
I have a project that uses both on screen reusable actors like laser beams which come into play when the user fires a weapon. Some actors are spawned which does cause a performance hit.
My question regarding a published game: With lots of Spawn/Destroy actors in a scene, does GameSalad handle memory clean-up well? Are there any signs of leaks in the latest builds?
There hasn't been much of a change to the engine. Memory leaks are in the Mac Creator Tool at the moment.
We do some actor pooling, so destroyed actors will get recycled to avoid memory allocations, so that helps.
The pool works by recycling actors of the same prototype. So if you're spawning and destroying about an even amount of actors, you should be fine.
Otherwise, you're mostly at the mercy of lua's garbage collector.
Hi @adent42 . Would it be possible in a future update to sort game level attributes?
Just an fyi for the everyone. We tracked down the attribute editing error. We're testing the build now and if everything works out the build should also be notarized and M1 ready. We haven't had a chance to test on an actual M1 / Arm64 desktop yet, but hope that happens soon.