Installing adhoc projects on Android phones
I'm developing a student directory app for staff at my school and I've been testing it on my iPhone. I'm ready to push it out to other devices including Android phones. Can I do that through Xcode or do I need an Android development environment? I can see my phone in Xcode under Devices but not the Android phone I plugged in.
I enabled Developer options, turned on USB Debugging, and tried changing the USB configuration from MTP to Charging but none of that worked.
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Best Answer
Hopscotch Posts: 2,782
does not work through Xcode.
Here is my "least fuss" workflow:
I build the Android apk, then drag it into my Dropbox folder on my work machine.
I also have Dropbox open on the Android phone.
Then simply open the file in Dropbox on the phone and let it install.No messing about with USB links and swapping out phones.
You can install the app using the terminal in osx. But the above method is easier.
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I too use dropbox to place the file and then email myself the download link works a treat. Just remember that IAPS won't work using this method unless installed via the Play store
Thanks for your help! I used the Dropbox method and it worked great.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
I was also able to get adb install [path to apk file] to work after enabling USB debugging and setting the USB configuration to Charging on the Android device.
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