Dose GS have "or" function?

WeiyuWeiyu Member Posts: 216
edited July 2017 in Working with GS (Mac)

Does GS has "or" function?
I want to optimize my game, so I want to use "or" function.

If Touch "A"
"C" will spawned "D".

If Touch "B"
"C" will Spawned "D"


My idea:
If Touch "A" or "B"
"C" will Spawned "D"

Does GS can do it?


  • AdrenalineAdrenaline Member Posts: 523

    Yep. Just make sure your Rule is set to "Any", rather than "All" (which would be AND logic).

    You can add conditions to your Rule with the + button at the top right of the Rule container.

  • WeiyuWeiyu Member Posts: 216

    @Adrenaline said:
    Yep. Just make sure your Rule is set to "Any", rather than "All" (which would be AND logic).

    You can add conditions to your Rule with the + button at the top right of the Rule container.

    I didn't notice it.Thank you!!

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