Missing Image in Published Game

specialist_3specialist_3 Member Posts: 121
edited November -1 in Tech Support

I got a feedback from a customer that there is a missing image in my "Level Over" scene which displays the scores and other statistics in my newly released game. Its the Menu button image which the user clicks to return to main screen after a level's time is up. Instead of the image, a White box appears. However, when she presses it, it displays a pressed button image.

Now the game and images seems to work perfectly on my GSviewer and iTouch. Should I worry about this problem?

Suppose, I reload the images and compile again and release the game as Version 1.1 (current 1.0), will existing customers need to pay again or they will be prompted for a free update? What are the steps involved in this? Would it be the same as uploading a new game? Will it have to go through another 2 weeks of Apple review?



  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    specialist_3 said:

    I got a feedback from a customer that there is a missing image in my "Level Over" scene which displays the scores and other statistics in my newly released game. Its the Menu button image which the user clicks to return to main screen after a level's time is up. Instead of the image, a White box appears. However, when she presses it, it displays a pressed button image.

    Now the game and images seems to work perfectly on my GSviewer and iTouch. Should I worry about this problem?

    Suppose, I reload the images and compile again and release the game as Version 1.1 (current 1.0), will existing customers need to pay again or they will be prompted for a free update? What are the steps involved in this? Would it be the same as uploading a new game? Will it have to go through another 2 weeks of Apple review?


    Have a look inside the published binary by right clicking it and showing package contents. Is the graphic in the images folder or is it a white box? If it is an iphone app with resolution independence ticked then look to see that the &2x images are all correct as well.
  • specialist_3specialist_3 Member Posts: 121
    Hi stusapps, I checked my binary file. The images are in the *.proj file. When I opened it, all image files are white boxes. I am confused...if all are white then nothing would have shown. Only that one image is missing.

    And I didn't build my game with resolution independence.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    I had a similar bug actually in hotel rush. A green box was shown instead of a graphic. But it only happened because of a bug where an attribute wasn't reset back to 0 after a scene. I still don't know why it would cause the graphic to mess up, but it did. I know this is different for yours and not too sure how to help if it is working on your devices. I'm happy to test it, I have 2G ipod, 3G ipod, 3GS and iphone 4 here to try it on.
  • specialist_3specialist_3 Member Posts: 121
    What do you require to test? Can you send me your mail id?
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    specialist_3 said:
    What do you require to test? Can you send me your mail id?


    just send the published binary to mail at stusapps .com

    I can run it as the devices are jailbroken.

  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Don't worry about images in your compiled App being white...that is normal
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    Yeah sorry didn't think that through very well, in the binary they are all white. I meant in the project file, really it was from a resolution independence point of view, but you're not using it.
  • specialist_3specialist_3 Member Posts: 121
    Thanks Rob2.

    StusApps, I have sent you the binary file. Can you please go through and see whats wrong with it? I have checked my project file...all images seem intact.
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    I have just released an update to fix a problem with one of my apps on the iphone 4, which was a missing graphic, and it has now made almost all graphics disappear. I have no iphone 4 so I requested in the review notes that apple test it on an iphone 4, they obviously didn't.

    On a 3gs it works fine, but no images on the 4. I have checked the .proj file in the .app binary and it has no images showing. is this correct or should it have them there?

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