Will my art be rejected because of copy right?
Hi all,
In my game I use a lot of different bullets and one bullet looks a little bit like a black Nintendo bullet from Mario.
Does this get me into trouble and will my game be rejected by Apple and google because it looks like the Nintendo bullet?
'a little' ?
To be fair, you've done pretty much an exact copy of Nintendo's Bullet Bill character.
Even if you manage to get passed the Apple and Google review process (which you likely won't) you still have Nintendo to deal with, I'm petty sure if they spot your use of their property they will issue a cease and desist order . . . you just need to hope your game is a failure so it doesn't show up on anyone's radar, in any sort of review magazine or website !
We are all inspired by games past..... Wouldn't it be more fun to design your own? Be creative, experiment, add your own passion!
Why not a bullet with a fist as a front? Saw blade front? Bullet with a tiger roaring front??
Have fun with it and it's all yours.
Well, it doesn't totally look the same. So I cant use a black bullet with an eye and arm because it all looks like the Nintendo bullet? The pipes in Flappy bird also looked the same as the pipes in Mario. They didn't mind that.
It does look totally the same.
@Socks and @Toque were nice enough to give their answers and even offer some suggestions. There's no point in arguing how original your work is with them, it's not their opinions you should be worried about.
For what it's worth, mark my vote as #3 for "definitely exactly the same as Nintendo's bullet".
Ok fair enough.
Ill change it.
I think it was @SlickZero (could be wrong - forgive me!) many moons ago that said - if you have to ask if your art is too similar than it probably is. In my opinion, that's a good rule to live by.
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I guess the way I see it if you copy the bullet it's just another Mario copy.......
I prefer a Zwire masterpiece you can be proud of.
I don't mean to be rude (and your question is perfectly valid and you are right to ask about this) but I think any patent/IP lawyer and/or judge would - quite literally - laugh at the idea that they don't look the same, sure the style is a little different, but you are essentially producing Nintendo's Bullet Bill character in a slightly different style, anyone who knew Bullet Bill would instantly recognise your creation as a depiction of Bullet Bill.
Think of it like this, imagine the character Superman, imagine you draw Superman in the same style you have drawn Bullet Bill, with all the right colours and the S logo and the red cape, and then try and imagine DC Comics just saying "hey the style is a little different, but meh, whatever . . let him help himself to our ~$4 Billion valued IP".
Seems unlikely !!

Yes, that's basically how copyright law works ! Of course you can use it if you want, there's nothing anywhere to say that you or anyone else needs to obey the law, but I think there's a good chance it will either be rejected by Apple/Google or if it gets past them then you might end up facing Nintendo, and I hear their lawyers use samurai swords.
I like the bullet with a fist idea ! That'd work really well, and give it a similar feel to the Bullet Bill idea.
You could also try changing the color. I don't know anything else about your game, but I'd love to see you make a gold bullet.
If you're going to stick with showing an eye, why not show both eyes? Combine that with the "bullet fist" idea and it'll look like the bullet is facing us and flying sideways, about to land a nasty punch.
Agreed, do that along with a little playing around and it would be out of the copyright zone pretty quickly, here's a quick two eye version . . .
Yep! That's cool. And done so quickly.
I don't think Disney are going to be calling me any time soon

You mean there isn't a demand for an Angry Birds / Bullet Bill mash up?
Angry Billets™
Thanks for your ideas guys and suggestions. I have like 10 different bullets in my game but only the black one I was troubled about. Another bullet is this one:
No just kidding
Bullets like these:

So its not really difficult to think of a different style of bullet. I was just worried a little bit and needed to know you guys' opinions
Now I know I have to change this bullet.
Thanks again!
Lol !
@Zwire you fooled me with that one for half a second!
Your funny and talented!! Love the red guy. Maybe add the back of the yellow onto the red.....?
Thanks man.
Wait until you play my game. Think you guys will love it. A few months and its finally done.
If you were going to play close to bullet bill, you could actually use your extended version and do something extra.
Seriously, I think unless your game gained so much attention, Nintendo will not come knocking on your door. Also, a bullet with eyes and arms will not cause you trouble.
However having said that.. the initial design looks exactly like it, and why not just design something different and try your creativity? ;-) Just a thought.