Hello how do i know who this person is

articwolf65articwolf65 Member, PRO Posts: 63

Hello im new to salad and im looking for someone to help me with modifictions of a template i bought
weve been exchanging emails and when i try to send funds for the work paypal say invalid email
question is how do i know if this is legit or not i bought the template here and it ask you if you want to contract creator
but like i said the email he provides me is invalid.
is there something i dont know about


  • ToqueToque Member Posts: 1,188

    Did you get the template from GShelper? You could just ask him who the vendor is.

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    The email they use for communication can be different form their PayPal email.

  • articwolf65articwolf65 Member, PRO Posts: 63

    I got the templates but we can seem to send the guy funds for the work

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    If you purchased the template from GSHelper.com, contact GameSalad Support for help by clicking on the blue chat icon at the bottom-right of the forums page.

    If you purchased the template from a third-party vendor, then you would need to contact them directly for help.

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  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    Sounds like you have got the guys email address wrong. If you have been exchanging emails with him then you can just email the guy to confirm it. If you are unsure about the guy carrying out the work, you can always post his name here and ask others if they know of his work and past experiences.

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