Help testing ipad game

Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I just got a report from someone in the US that says the background image is not showing up on my Chinese Suan Pan app. They see a white background instead. GS drops images so frequently it's entirely possible. Can someone test and let me know what you see? Thanks!!



  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    And can you test a program once it's compiled? GS drops graphics on me all the time but once I commit to uploading I can't check it.... but will have an ipad soon... promise!
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Hey there, I have an iPad but am not in the US and am currently (very) broke. (My 21st was last week and I still haven't recovered.)

    That said, if you don't get a reply from someone in the US in a reasonable amount of time, and would be willing to gift me your app, then shoot me an email at [myGSusername]

    I just wanted to put that out there; when I'm not overdrawn I'll be happy to help anyone who wants it, but that isn't the case right now. However, if you need it, at the cost of gifting it, I'd be glad to help.

  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Cool. Hadn't thought about gifting. I might do that anyway.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Hey Peter; I got the gift email but it's trying to tell me that "the code you entered is not a valid code" - I'm going to give it 5 and try again in case it's the standard buggy iTunes crap, so bare with me.
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Maybe it won't let us gift across the pond. :-/
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    It is great on my ipad...looks good and the operation is very positive.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    I can't see why the *mumbled expletive* not; I have the latest iTunes, did reboots and such just on the off chance it might help.... Bah.

    I'm sorry >.<' Do you have MSN? Maybe I could give you my device ID and you could create an AdHoc one?

    /facepalms and resumes hammering the "Redeem" button
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    ... wonder why someone would see white... ?? :-/ Random skucs
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    I just ordered my iPad. An adhoc network of GS members may not be a bad idea.
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    It's too bad itunes doesn't give you an email addy when someone has technical issues. Got no way of telling the person to reinstall or to send them a gift code. :-/
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Do you want to give AdHoc a go now? I'm going to email you the gift code Apple gave me, so that perhaps you can try it with someone else from your country, in case that is the issue. (I'm Googling it but still can't find anything useful >.<')
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Not for now. Rob2 said it's working for him. I appreciate the help though. Hopefully one day it will let you download the app. :) Thanks.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402 loaded about six problems at all....quick too, about 4.5 seconds.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    I'm glad to hear it is working for him, and my apologies again.

    May your image issues be minimal! :)
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Cool. If any of you gamesaladers that are stateside care to leave feedback that it is indeed working(background image appears) that would be hugely helpful. Thanks!! And if you recommend in the review that the person reinstall that would be helpful too.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    my background isn't red like the one in itunes?
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    it is brown with leaves....
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    All I get is a white background with some beads I can move around with my finger

    No title screen or anything.

    I'm not even sure what to do
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Ok, the brown one is the Japanese Soroban. Maybe I posted the wrong link. Sounds like the Suan Pan needs fixin. :(
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    I would so like to trust gamesalad. The process seems to be: check your graphics, they are there ok, check them again, still there, check them one last time. Still there. Ok upload.... some graphics are missing. GRRRRR!!!
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    I still don't understand the app though

    It just launches right into those beads like a demo or something
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Well, it's just an abacus. It's aimed at a very small market of people who know how to use it so I didn't include instructions. If you want to learn more there is a link on my website with instructions on how to perform math operations with one.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Sorry it is my fault I didn't realise there were two of them and I had the other one from before...
    so yes the image is missing from Cinese Suan Pan
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