My screen flashes whenever my in-game timer changes Member Posts: 8

I made an in-gamer timer so the player can see how long it took them to complete the stage but whenever the seconds change the whole screen flashes. I'm not sure why. It wasn't doing this before and it only happens when I test the app on my iPhone. If you know why this happening and how I could fix it that would be awesome. :smile:


  • Member Posts: 8

    Please don't mind the bad grammar if been trying to figure out how to fix this for awhile now and really tired

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    What does your timer behavior/rule look like?

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  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    What color is it flashing? Is your whole screen covered by an actor of some sort?

  • Member Posts: 8

    the screen flashes white for a brief moment and it might be covered by an actor that I use to make the actor jump in game when touched but it hasn't happened before also I have the timer on a 2nd layer so it moves with the camera since its on a different layer I don't think that hitbox would interfere @pHghost

    @tatiang its... (keep in mind Time/clock is my attribute)
    Display Text
    Text: floor(game.TIme/clock,600/60)
    Every 1 sec and run to completion
    Change Attribute
    Change Attribute: game.Time/clock to To: game.Time/clock +1

    Then I have an off screen actor that make the timer set to zero when ever the scene reset because the actor dies. If you would like to know those rules I can explain those too

    P.S. I started using this program about a week ago and my cousin and I have no experience making apps and this is our first one so if theres any way to keep the explanation simple that would be awesome

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    Does it happen even if you turn off the DisplayText behaviour?

  • Member Posts: 8

    I haven't checked I'll try

  • Member Posts: 8

    The screen still flashes... also do I really need the display text cause the time was still displayed after i got rid of it

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Make sure your actors are locked. If you've accidentally unlocked an actor and created an instance on a scene, you may be looking at the wrong (prototype) rules.

    To troubleshoot this problem, try turning off one rule at a time until the screen no longer flashes.

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  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    Make sure it's turned off in the actor in the scene, as @tatiang says. If the actor is still displaying the text, it means the behaviour is not turned off.

  • birdboybirdboy Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2017

    Last time I've worked with the windows version of GameSalad I experienced flashes too. The windows version was insanely buggy at that time (around half a year ago) and I have no idea if things were improved. Empty actors flashed when the value of an attribute displayed via display text was changed. Unfortunately I can't remember if I found a solution to this.

    Edit: I missed that you're testing on an iPhone so I guess you're on a Mac. If this is the case ignore my post as I've never seen this happening on a Mac.

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    @Hoodloc said:
    Empty actors flashed when the value of an attribute displayed via display text was changed. Unfortunately I can't remember if I found a solution to this.

    I missed that you're testing on an iPhone so I guess you're on a Mac. If this is the case ignore my post as I've never seen this happening on a Mac.

    This particular issue is still present and isn't Windows-related, the same issue happens on Mac, but you only ever see it when testing on device, not in Creator.

    That is the reason I'm asking about disabling the TextDisplay behavior in your project, If the flashes disappear, it's this bug that you are dealing with.

    The only solution I know of is to have a texture on every single actor in the scene -- in that case, the flickering does not happen. All you need is a 16x16px white (or you can use other colors, as you need) PNG image. Apply this texture to any actors without one.

  • Member Posts: 8

    These freaking prototypes man there annoying as hell, sometimes I can get ride of them and most time I can't. If you could tell me how to get rid of the prototype version but keep everything I programed in there that would be so bueno :smile: also I believe @tatiang and @pHghost that your both right but whenever I go to change that actor it keeps saying prototype and @pHghost I did disable the TextDisplay and it stopped flashing but I don't think its a bug because I still have prototypes as some of the actors.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Nevermind I FIXED IT !!!! :smiley: Thank you so much to everyone that responded too me and theres no need to respond to my post above. :star: :yum:

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2017

    If your wondering what the problem was it was the fact that one of the boxes on the screen was a prototype

    P.S. just realized I could edit my comments lol

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