how i crop some image from big image?
hello every one...i need crop some size image in gamesalad like this..this the big image (i need just my game show the play button not all button) im not need use photoshop just gamesalad !
hello every one...i need crop some size image in gamesalad like this..this the big image (i need just my game show the play button not all button) im not need use photoshop just gamesalad !
I think the closest you'll get is using the graphics options in the actor - change horizontal and vertical wrap to fixed.
But I'd advise using a graphics program to create images yourself rather than cropping an existing one. It'll look better and you'll have more control over the look and feel. There are free solutions such as GIMP if you're worried about cost.
thnx for answer me but any program in iraq its free im not worry about the cost !
Conclusion: in each program makes the Games there is little cut of the picture .. but why this option(crop image) does not in gamesalad !
Gamesalad does not offer built in cropping. It's best to import images individually into Gamesalad. There has been talk of supporting sprite sheets that would allow cropping like you suggest but it's not currently supported. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page