The GameSalad September (2016) Game of the Month is...

pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342


Muno Defense — by @jasonnowak !

Congratulations to @jasonnowak — the developer of our September GameSalad Game of the Month!

Muno Defense is a highly polished tower defense type game with a nice biological twist on the genre and stylish graphics. Go knees deep into the body immunity system and duke it out against bacteria and viruses! Muno Defense a great showcase of the power of GameSalad to create professional games. Not the first game by @jasonnowak, he is showing relentless pursuit of quality games. We wish him the best of luck and look forward to the next game (or expansion) that he brings us. Be sure to check out Muno Defense on the App Store!


Shortlist for September:
While we picked Muno Defense to be the September winner, The Man From Hmmbridge, Color Hexes and Droid Must Deliver were also great games! These games may be submitted in the next submissions batch to be considered for the new GameSalad App Awards!

Also, this month, we have decided to award two Honorable Mentions! These are apps that might have missed the mark for the main award, but excelled in a category of their own.

Pocket Cowboy for elegant 8-bit Visual Design.

Tuki: Quest of the Mansa for its supreme Art Design. The game is like a moving painting, with breathtaking colorful landscapes.

Congrats again to our September Game of the Month Winner!


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