Cannonball Pop

ToqueToque Member Posts: 1,188

I have just released my game Cannonball Pop. I wanted to make a game for me instead of making a game that might be "successful". A game I wanted and enjoy playing. But not use that as an excuse to not do my best and take the time to get it right. I think it reflects my current capabilities in game design. In reflection I would make it different if I made it again. I think thats a good thing, it just means you learnt something along the way. I can see why designers make the same game over like three times...... So you are welcome to try it out....... Lots of retro influences. Critical reviews are welcome!

Thanks for the direct and indirect help, videos and demos etc socks, game salad guru, Armelline,Japster,Icebox,Appitt, BigDave,Fmakawa,JamieC,BBEnc, Utopian, mhedges, Phillip, forum ninja and lots of others. Their skills and time is under appreciated on these forums.......

40 levels.


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