Vote for GameSalad to Become Open Source
Open source = Any Coder can make a plugin to add features and grow GameSalad exponentially.
That does not mean GameSalad would be free and no longer able to make money, on the contrary:
GameSalad would not only make money via subscription but also by taking % on plugins vetted on the would-be Store.
From various users on the forum:
1 this would be equivalent to GameSalad getting free coders, saving resources, time and money.
Essentially getting help for free to improve the engine.
2 Making GameSalad more competitive, attractive and feature rich.
3 More sales/subscriptions to potential users, given the range of additional add-ons.
4 Reinvigorating the user base, who frankly feels like doomsday is creeping around the corner on our beloved GS.
5 Strengthen the community.
6 Bringing a whole new type of customers and retain the ones who are leaving.
7 Making it open Source and being able to see the code would also be a big educational benefit.
8 Did I mention saving GameSalad?
Please take the time to read, if you don't really know what you are voting for.
Thank you.
@bdusing @ForumNinja @adent42 @CodeWizard ...@everyone
I apologize in advance if I quoted anyone out of context, my intention was to compiled
what was being said here:
about GameSalad becoming open source so as to bring more awareness to our community, those no digging too much in the forum and those no too familiar with the open source format.
Many think it is a very important issue that could define the future (or lack of) of our beloved GameSalad.
I classified relevant bits and pieces in 4 parts"
1 The problem & the fix
2 The moral issue.
3 Open source and education are also synergetic
4 How does open source work?
The bottom line is subscription plus revenue from plugins is a win win for everyone!
Gamesalad, plugin developers, customers and players
To illustrate the problem:
This is what @ForumNinja said about long standing misalignment issues
(By the way,ForumNinja seem to be all for GameSalad becoming open source)
At first glance I may have thought that calling it a Moral Issue was a bit strong, but I actually really agree with this.
It is scary hearing @ForumNinja say "we don't have the resources" to fix a known problem that has been around for a while that is something as simple as the rotation of the loading screen. While a simple problem, this has massive implications on how our apps come across. It also shouldn't be happening in a development system that we are paying for.
The reason I call this a Moral Issue is that the changes in Gamesalad are still very recent. I started working on our current project (a project that has a lot invested into it) AND paid for another year of GS pro to do it, back when Gamesalad said it was still striving to be a professional product. Then comes waves of employee layoffs that we find out about from other sources, and at first get a comment of "we are shifting our strategy" all the while getting comment like "don't worry we are still going to take care of our developers" So I just keep working on my project trusting gamesalad.
Gamesalad knows that many developers are investing a lot of time into their projects, and a game isn't finished when it is released, you still need a tool to do updates and make sure it runs with the current OS and everything. The moral thing to do the moment you have an idea that we might not be able to provide this platform to our paying customers is to either say so right away, or make a shift that makes that still possible, open source could be the "right thing to do" not from a business stand point, but to treat your customer right stand point.
If they don't have the resources to fix something small, what if Apple releases an iOS update that breaks Gamesalad games, do we wait months for our games to actually work?
I have really enjoyed Gamesalad and believe I and many others on the forums are doing pretty cool things with it. I really believe that Gamesalad meant it when they said "don't worry we are going to take care of you guys" when they made the shift to education. But maybe they are discovering they can't. Who knows, maybe they got plans and I am wrong. I mean all the features and stuff still works (except for the loading screen which is kinda a big one), and they updated to the newest chart boost sdk, this is all still future fears. But there is definitely reason to fear when there is little communication, few updates, and things like "we don't have the resources to fix the loading screen."
The listed advantages sound great, but I don't really know enough about open source to make any kind of informed judgment, so basically at this stage it's a case of 'look-at-all the-great-stuff-we-can-get' sounding attractive, but of course I don't actually know the downsides (if any) to open source, or even if open source is technically possible with GameSalad, or any of the business concerns with making your product open source, but if the question is would I be willing to pay for features in the form of individual plugins or extensions, then I certainly would.
I agree, it's scary, others have said (in private email/PM) similar things, that they find it "a bit distressing", that they find it "worrying" and so on. Terrible PR
I would have gone with something like "we're aware of the issue and it's on our list to be addressed at some point" . . .
I'm not sure if the poor communication is the direct cause, but the overall lack of community engagement from GameSalad seems to be slowly killing off the forum, maybe I'm imagining it, but it does seem to be slowly dying off.
An important Obstacle is the marketplace. A solid Marketplace. Currently we have no template market place cause GS didn't have resources to build their own. Third party sites seem great but look what happened to GShelper and DBA.
There needs to be some resources dedicated to the marketplace, otherwise the revenue benefits just don't exist for GS. I just don't think that would be possible. | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
I honestly think that this could well be the first open source program where I would look behind the scenes and learn from while tinkering. No other open source program has ever really sparked that interest.
I don't think I'd ever be creating plugins and earning mega bucks from it (haven't even put a template up for sale) but if I could do something as simple as sorting attributes inside GS I'd be pretty chuffed. There's probably a ton of other things I could look at and try.
The prospect truly excites me but we all know what's going to happen, staff are going to disappear without a trace, months of silence, and then they'll have a team restructure, write a post on their new goals and promises, change pricing, fail to meet a lot of the promises, staff will disappear without a trace, months of silence, team restructure, new pricing and promises, and rinse and repeat.
I hope open source sees the light of day though!
I'm also happy to pay any form of subscription/payment to GameSalad while it's open source.
Agreed, there would have to be a solid reliable outlet for this stuff.
I vote yes, but I understand there is a lot of work to figure out how to best manage such a drastic change, and that there is more then one approach to this. But I think the pros outweigh the cons.
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I can see how that phrasing can be alarming, I apologize! It wasn't meant to mean that we don't have the means to fix the issue, just that our coding resources are being spent elsewhere, so they don't have the time to fix it.
While the problem may seem simple on paper (just tell the loading screen not to rotate, boom, bug fixed) it's not usually the case. When this issue first surfaced I brought it to George and he spent some time looking into it and found that it wouldn't be a easy / straightforward thing to resolve, so he didn't spend more time on it.
As for open sourcing, I'm personally in favor. I mentioned the idea to the team and haven't received positive feedback so far, but I'll keep probing more to see if it'd be possible to have some limited form implemented, or if we could open source to just a specific subset of people.
How would those people be selected do you think? Would they have to request to be on the list? Would it be based on users you think would have the experience and can prove they know what they're doing?
I wouldn't have the experience at first and probably wouldn't get very far with it but I'd certainly like to give it a go. But it only being available to a subset of people kind of suggests that people like wouldn't be in that subset >.<
I know you're only talking hypothetically.
@KevinCross It is hypothetical yes, but if we were to go that route I'd expect we'd have a process for people to request access, and we'd invite specific people or groups we think are capable and that would be interested.
We can cross the bridge of how to handle people who want access for learning purposes if we get to that point, but I don't see any reason to prevent people with a desire to learn / motivation from being included
Well, if the community was 100% on board with the idea, then maybe we would be seeing a larger pro-active response form GS. But guess they are looking after the 3% of members. Good to see | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
Thanks @ForumNinja and I also know that my fears expressed were just out of speculation.
Also is @GeorgeGS back and working with the team in some capacity? If so that is really encouraging!
Building a website to sell downloadable code chunks, which is essentially what a market place is, requires resources but anything short of closing shop requires resources.
The issues is, how much resources?
A market place is just an ecommerce website...There are millions of ecommerce website templates they can use, I'm sure many specific market place template would fit their need for less than $100 including backend .
example of a market place template:
see example link above or description here
Do they understand that creating the front end and backend for the market place is essentially, buying a template?
We are all happy to keep paying subscriptions while open source.
With all the "codeless engine" growing competition, this would be a unique angle to make GS stand out. and an additional source of revenue.
There are many ways to go open source, as @AlchimiaStudios mentioned: community commits through github like unreal engine is also very interesting.
To me it's not a matter of yes or no, it's a matter of how.
What are their arguments against opening the software this way? ...IF i may ask...
Limited implementation is not bad but it is also = to fewer plugins, therefore slower software growth and revenue.
To have a community 100% on board, you need a community 100% aware.
Many don't know what's going on, many don't read the forum, many are gone already, many don't care or don;t understand what open source is and how it could affect GS' future...
Let me throw in my two cents. The problem with open sourcing gamesalad is that gamesalad is fat. Coronas is only 1.4 mb per plaform. It is really slim and light. If gamesalad were open sourced it would probably not be that pretty. Gamesalad really need to boil, modularize, and clean up there code. Then allow user to make plugins in xcode or Android studio
Agreed, they better throw their limited resources into it then.
This would yield more results in the long run in terms of features added by the community than focusing on 1 update a year, implementing 3 years old basic features themselves.
I also think maybe fully open source may be a bridge too far but some kind of plugin support would be a massive boost for everyone.
Yes , they would have to, definitely keep the subscription format.
then the real question is to choose between :
1 creating a market place for all to sell plugins.
2 community submitted improvements via github which would, then, be chosen to be added by the GS team.
3 both
The easiest way to get the ball rolling could be with option 2, (community submitted improvements).
Then to graduate to a full fledge market place once GS is growing again.
Hopefully @ForumNinja can talk some sense into his team, it's not a black and white, yes or no, decision, there are many ways to go about it.
This concept being put forward again, this time in an organised and consultative way, has invigorated the Forum and generated a great deal of enthusiasm in two days!
Things were in the Doldrums once more with the feeling GameSalad was drifting into oblivion.
It is very hard to be creative, inspired, optimistic and productive as a game developer in an atmosphere of scant communication and uncertainty.
@ForumNinja This thread should demonstrate to the management just how passionate and loyal to GameSalad are the members voting here.
This also seems to me to be one last chance to all move forward together.
@blob I commend you in taking the initiative to gather the details above!
Correct me if I am wrong:
But isn't there like another more power engine that was being developed? Why not keep GS the way it is and open source that engine. From my understanding, GS itself is very messy. Things may break easy.
No loss to the GS revenue stream, and if it doesn't work out then we continue GS the way it is. It all depends if it is legally CodeWizards, or part of GS property. | Templates | Free Demos | Udemy Course
I> @Two.E said:
I think that engine belongs to Codewizard, and he's using to make his project that he left GS to develop while working contract.
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i mostly would like to have the option to partner up with advertisers and promoters such as appgratis. Having the option to add a third party sdk integration would be big.
But I would also install plenty of plugins made by socks
My Apps
I think many of us feel the same way , I certainly do, that why it's worth taking the initiative.
Yes sdk is a big deal.....
Keep voting if you haven't, it does not hurt to bring awareness.
The programming environment concept is just how I want to program. I do not want to lose that.
My wish is to be able to use the full feature set of my phone.
I see that the only way that wish becomes reality is for an open sourced GameSalad.
(Webkit and Mac Os(Darwin?) are also open sourced.)
6 votes to 50!
With @ForumNinja announcing new funding, this seems even more feasible, and some kind of intelligent hybrid open sourcing could really become a reality!
Even IF they implement a 5th of what we are talking about here this would be ground breaking in terms of capacity and growth speed.
It starts with awareness!
The people have spoken...
The king does not listen
or learn from history.