Crash problem - Xcode Console

thevelopersthevelopers Member Posts: 21
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Our game is almost complete. We are only having a crashing problem when in a certain time of the game some actors begin to interpolate and don't stop until the end of the game (when player lose). The player have to press one of the 4 actors that are interpolating their positions, and when this is done, on some random time, the game crashes. Testing the game in GS Viewer I noticed that this message in Xcode's console appeared after the crash:

Lua Error: prototypical/behaviors/InterpolateBehavior.luap:118: attempt to index field 'targetAttribute' (a nil value)

This is repeating every frame, so the result is a lot of lines showing this error until I stop the process in Xcode. I don't know if this is our error or a GS error, because it doesn't occur at the same time, but randomly when there is a combination of interpolation+touch of the actor.

The memory the game uses is good and does not get over 36 MB.


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