FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
edited November -1 in Tech Support

My game has been complete for nearly two weeks!
and yet I can't figure out how to get it on the app store,
and no Gendai Tech Support has assisted me.

I do want "game creation for the rest of us", I'm an artist much more than a coder.
The reason I paid $99 was to make iPad Apps without Objective C confusion,
that seems to be the goal of most of us here.

If this last step of the process does not work reliably,
there is no point in any earlier step of designing a game with GS!

(Of course, every game we complete contains an unmissable advertisement
for Gendai on the loading screen, so there are benefits for all.
In the time I've wasted trying to upload my first game, I probably could have
completed much of a second game.)

This must include a full, detailed description of dealing with Apple's app store,
or else this product cannot produce it's advertised result - a functional,
sellable iPad game.

*(Constantly updated, dealing with the most current versions
of everything involved in the process, A to Z)

There is no point in adding any other features until the export / upload
can work for users in a reliable and understandable manner.

This is the single gateway through which all must pass, regardless of differences.

This must be Priority One, don't you agree?

I'm sorry for sounding negative, but I'm really frustrated, after nearly 2 weeks.
I see so much potential with what I could do with GS if I can just get past this.
I heard a quote yesterday, from a Business major -
"every complaint is an opportunity, because it tells you what needs to be fixed"


  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352

    I know we've been over this a few times now. The instructions for people using gamesalad are exactly the same as anyone developing in xcode, corona, unity, torque, etc.. There is nothing faulty in what gamesalad does.

    Any online tutorial will work for us as well. I did it by following this link. It has not changed since the introduction of the app loader, just there is no button for upload binary now, it's done in app loader after everything else is complete.

    Have you started completely from stratch following the video step by step?

    Do these things for me and I'll see what I can do:

    Go into your xcode and click window, then organiser and tell me what it says in developer profile on the left.

    Then go to your applications folder and utilities and click keychain access. Click 'login' on the left and tell me what certificates are listed.

    If these things are ok then I'll talk you through the next bit.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    StusApps said:

    Do these things for me and I'll see what I can do:

    Go into your xcode and click window, then organiser and tell me what it says in developer profile on the left.

    Then go to your applications folder and utilities and click keychain access. Click 'login' on the left and tell me what certificates are listed.

    If these things are ok then I'll talk you through the next bit.

    Had time to look at whats in these two places above yet?
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    I'll try it again for the N'th time... I'm admittedly better at dealing with art than pages of text.

    But one cohesive instruction set could really, really help those of us just stating out
    to become full members of the GS community

    I don't think I'm alone in finding several separate tutorials (by different authors for different software versions) confusing to the point of non workability.

    I'd really like to see an official answer to this - the posted instruction set is almost a year old,
    while new changes to the app store are now arriving at a dizzying pace.
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    Actually Franz,

    The appStore submittal process is more of an issue with Apple not Gendai or GS. Perhaps you will find better resources in the Actual Apple Dev Center support structure.

    Its not really part of Gendai's service to assist you in an actual App submittal. It actually lies within Apple's jurisdiction.

    The submittal process can be dizzying for some the first time around...but once you do it...its easy from then on.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    synthesis said:

    The submittal process can be dizzying for some the first time around...but once you do it...its easy from then on.

    Agree 100%. First time took me a whole frustrating evening, now it takes a few mins.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352

    If you could look for the two things I posted earlier in this thread in your xcode and your keychain access. That could go a long way towards solving your problem. Just need to know if anything here is missing, then I can tell you how to get it. If it is all correct in these places I will make you a full set of video instructions going through the process as it is now with the app loader.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    Organizer IPHONE DEVELOPMENT > Developer Profile has nothing,
    which I did suspect was a problem...

    (This probably was deleted during one of the times when I tried to "start over"?)

    But I can't get the "Import Developer Profile" button rectangle to do anything, though.

    Which file to I need to feed it, and where might I get (or re-get?) that file?

    Under keychain access I have 3 Certificates - blue edged squares with gold seals.
    "Apple Worldwider Developer Relations...." "iPhone Developer:" and "iPhone Distribution"

    It still says in a yellow bar "A Valid Signing ID matching the profile could not be found in your keychain."
    StusApps said:
    Go into your xcode and click window, then organiser and tell me what it says in developer profile on the left.

    Then go to your applications folder and utilities and click keychain access. Click 'login' on the left and tell me what certificates are listed.

    If these things are ok then I'll talk you through the next bit.

  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    with your device plugged in what does the xcode organiser say under provisioning profiles...nothing maybe? Try Automatic Device Provisioning (middle top button) it got my iPad sorted 3 minutes out of the box..never even had to visit the Provisioning Portal.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    There are 8 profiles here, 5 are mine (made while trying again and again) two are for someone elses app i was beta testing (which does still work, btw)

    under included devices -
    Some of them include my iPad, others dont? hmmm....

    yes, i have an ipad, no phone, which STILL is running iOs 3.2.1 as it's not included in os 4 yet

    under summary it says the ominous sounding:
    The version of iPhone OS on “.....” does not match any of the versions of iPhone OS supported for development with this installation of the iPhone SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iPhone SDK; which is available here.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    sorry I edited while you posted...thought my previous response came over a bit rude :)
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Which version of Xcode do you currently have and whats your OS X
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    I hope this isn't going to ruin your day but iPad dev is snow leopard only.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    yes I upgraded to Snow Leopard for this purpose 10.6.4

    xcode 3.2.3

    thanks for assistance
    my day or week can be salvaged if I can actually get this sent to the app store ;-)

    and then back to designing the next app!

    if i can just get that darn yellow bar to go away (as above)... I think that might be it
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    Nothing more?
    (I would like to see a "Yellow" comment somewhere)

    I guess I will take this up with Apples' tech support.
    (Though I hear they are not overly sympathetic to the GS Cause,
    preferring pure XCode or Objective C.)

    I can of course, see what you're saying - it's not Gendai's official duty
    to fix Apple's overly complicated app submission process
    (I'd read it was difficult, but did not expect such an ordeal)

    And yet, like a car requires wheels and gasoline ( or electricity )
    the two are, in functional use, locked together.

    A complete set of documentation on the subject would be most helpful,
    and can only stand to improve user satsifaction and recommendation of GS to others.

    (Even if they have not posted here,
    I can see several others with similar problems on this forum.)
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    I just made sort of a step by step checklist in this other thread:

    Let me know what step you are getting stuck at..
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    thank you, I just found that.
    (The checklist of what is required for each app is handy)

    Do I need a new "device profile" for each app? Or only one per device
    (I have one for my iPad, and another? that arrived for beta testing an app, I think.)

    I'll try it again from the profiles point...
    firemaplegames said:
    I just made sort of a step by step checklist in this other thread:

    Let me know what step you are getting stuck at..

  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Hmmm. I am not sure what a "device profile" is..
    Where did you see that?

    Do you mean the Provisioning Profile?
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    firemaplegames said:
    Do you mean the Provisioning Profile?

    Yes. ?

    Anyway -
    I've gotten much closer, but Attempt #11 has failed at the last step -
    "Bundle identifier: A doesn't match B...."

    BUT I couldn't make it match, because I've redone this so many times, that it won't let me
    use the same bundle name (or app name, or sku number) again...
    I can't change it on the GS export module,
    because that section is GREYED OUT and can't be re-typed? W H Y now

    I need to take a break from this for a while, it's just too much aggrivation. :-\

    I REALLY appreciate the help of FireMaple and others,
    (perhaps they could hire you to expand the manual!)

    but what I said still stands - the official documentation is inadiquate for a commercial program costing this much.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    It's greyed out because it is written in by whichever provisioning profile you choose from the box where it says code sign. Once you download a provisioning profile after you make it and run it it will appear in this box. So just make a new app id and provisioning profile for distribution that is called something else.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Hi FranzKeller,

    I know you're frustrated, but this has absolutely nothing to do with GameSalad. Every problem you are having are 100% on apple's side of things. Nothing GS can do about it. You would have had these problems if you were releasing an app you wrote from scratch. The first app I tried to publish was 100% in xcode and it took me 3 weeks to figure it out. It's a nightmare the first time, but once you know how to navigate their waters, it gets a lot easier.

    At this point, for attempt #12. I would remove ever profile, signing certificate and anything else from your machine and start over from scratch. Read every step twice before you do it. Make sure you follow it word for word. It will work.

    As StusApps said, your bundle identifier it determined by what you type in your provisioning profile for that app.

    If that fails, you're best bet is to contact the Apple Developer Support, they are the experts on this stuff. They should be able to tell you what you're doing wrong.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    I'm not sure about that one? Got the same on try #10, though I avoided it...

    I remade the profiles again with a new codesign thing just for this run through
    but it wasn't available...

    What showed in grey was one I had been using earler
    How do I respecifiy in GS

    I'm going to sleep for now. See you all later
    StusApps said:
    run it it will appear in this box. So just make a new app id and provisioning profile for distribution that is called something else.

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    The dropdownin which you choose which profile to use, thats where its pulling the bundle I'd from. Open the Xcode organizer and delete every provisioning profile from your computer, and then download only the latest one from the developer portal and try again.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    Going back to it tonight. Might try it with a different app instead, that doesn't have the history of garbled requests
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    Y E S ! ! ! Uploaded to App Store! "RADARHEAD 19" first of many ;-)

    I typed a long victory post! Then accidentally erased it. ....

    Anyway, thank you all for patience and help.

    Now, to MAKE MORE APPS!
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