Any great tutorials on AI?
Hi folks, so far I've been working on stuff that didn't require AI but I've just started to properly work with that and I was wondering if there is a great tutorial or resource I can use to brush on the material?
Hi folks, so far I've been working on stuff that didn't require AI but I've just started to properly work with that and I was wondering if there is a great tutorial or resource I can use to brush on the material?
What type of AI are you building?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Lost_Oasis_Games There are several tiers to the AI. In the over world the AI is movement based. They go as they please on a grid. Between towns, collecting resources etc. In a match, it moves the units against my character and units. Think of Heroes of Might and Magic. That kind of AI is my end goal.
So I wanted to start small by creating a colour game and competing with the pc to change all the colours on the grid. From there work through more complex type of AI.
I had a Galaga like type concept too where I figured I could learn movement AI and thus combine the two kinda to get a rough idea for the big kahoona.
Does that make sense?
Thanks @Lost_Oasis_Games