How to get PNG version of fonts

wongj19wongj19 Member Posts: 45
edited April 2016 in Help Wanted

How to I get PNG versions of every letter/number in a font like the guys in this video:
I tried to take screenshots but I want the letter/numbers to be the same size.

Any help would be good.


  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    edited April 2016

    Open an art program, create a new document and pick a canvas size (maybe 256x256 or 100x100) and add a text layer. Keep the text layer in the same position for each letter (unless you need to move it about because not all characters are centered). And then type one character at a time and export to png that one character i.e. type the character A and then export to a png file saving it as A.png. Delete the A and type B, save again as B.png. Do the same for each letter and number you need.

    It's important that you keep the font size the same, the canvas size the same for each character and try to center each character on the canvas the best you can.

    Keep in mind that if you have a big canvas size and a small font you will have a lot of space around each character so try and get the characters as big as you can on the canvas. You can always resize the actor in GameSalad

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @wongj19 If you are using a Mac you could also use Art Text 2 Lite free from the AppStore:
    It also makes great buttons and graphics.

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