Actors not rendered on Android, when they are placed far from the origin of the scene

noihcranoihcra Member, PRO Posts: 3

Hi all,

this is my very first post. Thanks for reading :)

I have kind of a problem. I've built a simple big scene with no background. I've placed a player controlled actor, who can move along all the scene in X and Y axes. Everything goes fine on GS preview, and actor can move along all the scene.

The problem arises on Android devices, where any actor stops being rendered, when it is placed far beyond 2911 pixels on Y axis, or 1746 pixels on X axis. Actors are correctly spawn wherever, but are not drawn on screen when their own origin is beyond those limits. You can move actor during game far over these limits, all over the scene, no matter if the actor is drawn or not. Once you get back into those limits, actor starts being rendered again. That limits me to a scene size of 1746 x 2911 pixels, a weird combination far away from any power of two.

I guess, somehow, it is a GS engine limitation, but can't figure out why at these rare distances. As I found no technical documentation from GS on it, I'm unable to build a scenario bigger than that.

Does anyone know why is it happening? Thanks!

Note: I've tried GS preview on Mac, Windows, and via GS website generated APK. All of them show the same behaviour.


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