v1.24.39: Music Volume issues?
Hello -
First and foremost, good to be back! I'm just about done with the end of year stuff plus the real life stuff, so I'm slowly getting back into the groove.
Teeny Racers 3.0 is out, so go get your download! I fixed an issue which dealt with the music and updating to iOS 9.x. This is in anticipation of a future game to be released after the one mentioned below.
OK, now to the gist of this post:
I am just about done with my next game. I found some suitable music, and have copied the soundtrack to the game. However, no matter what volume level I input, to me it's at the same volume level, and drowns out the sounds. I could half-arse it and record the music at a lower level, but that would not answer my question on whether there is an issue with the music volume. So I turn to you guys/gals: Is there an issue with the music volume level on version 1.24.39?
Have you tested to see if you still have the problem on 1.24.42?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Could you be a little more specific with your terms ('volume level' ?), could you use GameSalad terms (so: Sound Volume, Music Volume).
Could you grab a screen shot of where and how you are setting the volume for the soundtrack ?
No, @Armelline, I haven't updated in a while, after reading of some users' issues with randomness and such. Let me update and see what's up.
I did notice a post from this month from user @MarpCark, so there may be a mathematical possibility, however minute, it's not an isolated incident.
Edit: Stupid me - this month, but last year!
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Hello! I have an event handler (actor) which (re)sets the game.audio.MusicVolume to 0.1 (really 0.1 because of the testing; it should naturally be higher), and on another scene, if the hero actor collides with another actor, the game.audio.MusicVolume is interpolated to 0 in 3 seconds. A return to the previous scene will then reset to 0.1 (see above).
But no matter if the volume is 0.1 or 1, the effect is the same; it plays at full blast on the device (phone).
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Updated to version 1.24.42, and still experiencing the described behavior. So odd.
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Are you importing the audio files as Music or Sounds? What happens when you adjust the Sound Volume and then playback the audio files?
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If @tatiang's suggestion doesn't provide a solution, be sure to submit a bug report.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
The soundtrack was imported as music, and the sounds were imported as sounds.
After the upgrade, it's working on the computer, but still not on the phone. GS Viewer hasn't been updated, has it?
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The latest GS Viewer version is 1.24.42. So yes
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Darn, I updated the GSV as well, but still no dice. I'll revisit the behaviors and report back. I already uploaded the soundtrack again, but no dice.
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Could we see the rules for this handler ?
These are the rules for the handler. Nothing complicated; the music volume was set to 0.1 .
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And here are the rules for the other event handler which interpolates the music volume to 0.
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Rules seem ok, have you done all the obvious tests to narrow down the issue ?
GMorning! I did a workaround to see if the problem can be isolated a bit. At the beginning of the game, I interpolated the music volume down to a desired level (0.25), and the music volume does in fact decrease to 0.25. Upon game ending, the music purposely interpolates to 0. The game restarts, and it interpolates back to 0.25. It's as awkward as clogging the toilet at a black tie party , but it is what it is. I'll keep looking for the source of the prob.
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Well .25 is what you set it at the begining so when the game restarts that rule will fire again so be sure to cut that rule off after it changes it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Dave @Lost_Oasis_Games ,
I have to set it to 0.25 "entering" the game.
Splash Screen: Tap Play: 0.25
End game: interpolate to 0
Back to Splash Screen (tapping play will take it back to 0.25)
I'll reimport the sounds and music later today to see if it was something wrong the first time they were imported.
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I'm going to be doing some device testing today. Will make a project to test it out. Will report back.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I did a new project, one actor, one music soundtrack. The music volume did adjust on the phone. Let me go back to the game and see what's up.
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Weird - I noticed that when I open the game file, the default music volume is 1 (Devices > Audio > Music Volume). I enter 0.05 and save the game, then reopen it, only to find that music volume is back at 1.
This behavior was exhibited in a test file as well.
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