Logic issue on an enemy attack

quinn221quinn221 Member Posts: 280
edited October 2015 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi Everyone, I have trying to figure out a problem I am have had all week...I know something is wrong in my logic but I can not seem to pinpoint the issue.

Here is what I have going on ( file in url below)

I have a basic enemy chase going on when my Hero get 225 pixels away from the enemy. Once the chase begins, the enemy starts an attack animation, and after several hit my Hero dies.

But here is the issue, sometimes....not all the time.... when the hero is attacking the enemy my attacks do not work... then after he kills me, my attacks will not even work when the enemy is not in chase mode.

If you download the test file and play around with killing the enemy and enemy killing you you will see the issue.

For the game...
You have to hit the enemy 2 times before he dies and he has to hit you 4 times.

Arrow key for movement... command to shoot( fire ball only take 1 hit) and S for the sword

(ignore the enemy death image--just a placeholder until I draw the death image.)

Again...you make have to get killed a few times and hit a few time before you will see the problem

Thanks for your support!



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