Jump Jack is out! Live action trailer.
Member Posts: 659
Hey everyone, after two years of hard work our game is finally on the App Store.
I wanna say thanks to all of you. Thanks to the GS staff for making a great tool that made my project a reality. Thanks to this community for all the help early on and insight over the time of development.
If you're a fan of retro hard platformers I think you will love it. As I've said in a previous thread it is about my son saving his baby sister from evil robots. Here it is!
App Store link:
Google Play link:
So good ! Good luck.
Nice good luck with the downloads!
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LOL. Great job! Hope it is a success!
Thanks guys! Would love people's help in getting the word out!
This is really great , wish you good luck with the downloads !
Very cool! Best of luck!
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@Icebox1910 @Braydon_SFX thanks guys!
@RossmanBrothersGames i just played the game its really great , too much work and effort put into it , im always used to the a button being the one that jumps xD so i always mess up even after flipping controls , but this isnt an issue. the game is cool , wish you the best
Thanks man! Keep at it.
Loving the response we are getting on the Touch Arcade forums: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=272663
Ha ! The trailer is fantastic !! Chromatic aberration for the win !
Game looks like fun too !!
Love the live action trailer and the game does look like a blast too! Great!
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Brilliant trailer, best of luck with it!
I've been liking this from the moment i saw the first screenshots you posted. The trailer and gameplay looks awesome! It's a must buy for me.
Good luck!
Mental Donkey Games
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Thanks for the comments guys! Really enjoying the feedback the game is receiving.
Nice work bro
Loving the style, great work!
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@screennameforwhat @bjandthekatz thanks guys!
@RossmanBrothersGames Awesome trailer and game, goodluck:)!
This is so great! Love it!
@Approw @sebmat86 Thanks guys, appreciate it!
Good work , it awesome.
Thanks @Tomvn
Pretty excited we just got a review by touch arcade http://toucharcade.com/2015/10/14/jump-jack-review/
Would have loved one more half star, but overall positive review, honored just to be covered by the site, pretty cool.
Thanks everyone for all the support!
Wow, congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment!!!
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Nicely done!
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@RossmanBrothersGames Did you ever test out the app icons? if so, which one did better?
Love the trailer btw.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@quantumsheep @iamcartez thanks guys
@Lovejoy no we ended up just going with the one. And thanks!
Hey everyone, AndyC83 from the Touch Arcade forums made a really cool video of him conquering all the combo stars in Jump Jack, thought I would share it here:
For those of you who have played it, you know this is a pretty impressive feat. Really fun and cool to see people totally getting an aspect of our game we put so much work into. It is really encouraging. While the retro difficulty of Jump Jack puts off some players, it is really cool to see those who get it, really get it and love it.