Need Assistance With Collision Teleportation!
Teleportation Upon Collision?
First off I'm not really sure this is the right forum category, I apologize if it isn't correct.
I'm making a game for practice, its a platformer and I already have controls and physics down.
When the player collides with a certain actor (the Ladder) I want the player to teleport to the coordinates at the end of the ladder. I put move to (the coordinates desired) upon collision and the result was the player helplessly trying to go through a wall in the way of its destination.
Is there a way I could make it so that the player would teleport to the coordinates instead of moving to them? If so that would be fantastic!
yes, instead of 'move to' use a 'change attribute' to change actor position x to the x coordinate you want and another to change actor position y.
hope this helps!
Thanks a bunch! It worked out fine! This game is a milestone of progression to my hopeful future as a game developer. It's not so great but who cares? I'm proud of it. If you want to check it out here you go!
I won a taco!
Keep it up, Gamesalad is a great tool.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una