Old bugs back with the new Gamesalad version
of course you guys once more brought back the old engine bugs with this new version
-lock outside of actors
-unusable behaviors within the actors every second entering
of course you guys once more brought back the old engine bugs with this new version
-lock outside of actors
-unusable behaviors within the actors every second entering
@Armelline reported a different old bug that is showing up again as well in this build.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I often wonder what level of quality checks they go through before releasing a new version.
yeah maybe a QA guy would be nice, that tests the basic functions like moving in and out of scene/actor, saving tables / attributes.
But I guess they have some people but its just a lot of work.
Still love you game salad peeps
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Before I used to say after nightlies....and then RC we should get a fairly big free "stable" build. Now they are releasing them within days of each other.
I don't claim to know how doing one thing affects another so drastically without having made a change to those functions and feel it's worth pushing out.
It must be very discouraging to them...hopefully as much as it is to who it ultimately affects. I've been lucky enough to be so busy I haven't really been able to use GS much lately. Lately I open GS and fall asleep sitting on the couch. Lol
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Everyone should bear in mind that there are literally dozens (probably hundreds) of combinations of computers and operating systems that need to be tested, as well as dozens of devices. Not all bugs appear for all people.
I've not seen the bug @BigDave shows in the first post, for example. I've had the one bug I mentioned in the release thread, and had maybe 3 or 4 crashes in probably a dozen hours of use since .36 was released. The crashes appear to have been completely at random.
Even if GameSalad employed an army of QA testers, there's no guarantee they'd see the same bugs we have. @BigDave is probably on a different computer and OS version than me, or there's some other factor that's meaning he's seeing that bug and I'm not. Testing products is not as easy as people seem to think. If each release of GameSalad was to be tested as thoroughly as people seem to think is the minimum necessary we'd be looking at weeks of testing for every build even if they had a dozen testers.
I would argue, though, that GameSalad should make more use of RCs. When a build seems really solid, they should release RCs until the next really solid build. Ultimately we're the biggest pool of testers they have, and I have no problem being used as a guinea pig. However, they should make it clearer to people when they're releasing builds that people who don't like to live on the cutting edge should avoid.
We can also be doing something too. Rather than saying "This build seems really buggy" we can specify our OS version, computer, GS version etc. when mentioning issues. I bet there are some issues that only occur on Mavericks, or issues that occur on 10.10.4 but not on 10.10.5. Or that occur on 10.10.5 but not on 10.10.4. The more information we provide, the easier we make QA for the testers.
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hope that helps
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I'd say you could use some ram there @BigDave
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
GameSalad working just fine:) crashes sometimes but i save almost every adjustments i make in games:)
no long loading times for startup/preview etc. satisfied.
4Gb of ram on any machine is cutting it razor thin. The OS can chew most of that up. Should be at 8 minimum. I run at 16. my iMac 5K with no apps open.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Us peasants have to work with what we got
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Doesn't Ghz play a role as well in the processing power? Wouldn't it be good to have it at 2.7 to 3.0 ghz?
I assembled my PC, myself, got a motherboard that supports up to 32 GB ram, but only put in 16 GB.
AS for Mac, whatever Macincloud is using, that is what I am using.
It was meant as a tech tip. Understandable if someone doesn't have the means to buy more ram.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Something to keep in mind is that Apple now only offers RAM soldered to the motherboard and at very high prices. In the past, you could buy a Mac with 4 GB of RAM and then order a $30 chip and bump it up to 8 GB or more but now you're stuck paying Apple $150 for a RAM upgrade at the time of purchase. And there's no going back... once you choose 4 GB (or any other configuration) you can't add more at any time later.
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Yea, i just ended up finding that out after my recent transition to MACS. Smart way of keeping their clientele from going elsewhere for upgrades, but kind of sketchy at the same time.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una