i've removed my videos from the academy
As some of you know I come from a shark tank business background. I left that life behind due to my distaste of it. I took a much different course in life which proved to me one can be sucessful without destroying others. I can't in good conscience be associated with such heavy handed business practices. All my videos can be found on my youtube site where I can control them and do things completely by my standards. I enjoy this community and have worked hard to help build it with others. I believe today was a major setback to this community. I have no relationships with any third party sites. i frankly don't need the money. I already made my money and did it my way. The nice thing about having made my money is that I am not beholden to anyone other than my own beliefs.
Good for you old hippie Peace, love and free space cakes for all
ps now will you please allow comments on your videos so your mistakes can be corrected
If i've made a mistake just message me. I used to get too many GS sucks comments so I turned them off long ago. Yes I make mistakes..lol
Actually I'm no hippie but I am a fair and honest man. Not much of that anymore in this world.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I've found your videos to be something to try to emulate in future videos of mine...as far as quality of graphics and level of production. More losses today. All big ones. Glad to see that they will be available on your YouTube site. As a members of the community go...for all of us using them. Thank you.
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I applaud your decision and agree with your reasoning.
Off point, if you comment on this, know what it is about, show that you have some type of cellular activity going on upstairs.
I hear you Dave. I can't believe my ears right now with what is unfolding.
There is some serious reverse engineering going on right now.
I've removed GS from my name so I don't get a letter. Will be changing all my openings to be just the guru. frankly I don't know who to trust around here anymore. so I now trust no one.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
What is this in reference to, specifically? The fact that GS have made a page called Gamesalad Guru?
GameSalad recently enforced their trademarks of their logo with regards to a third party site.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Imagine if that mark became popular for GS I could find myself in a similar situation. I can see it's going to be all business around here now so I'm protecting myself as well.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
It's a pretty big deal when I see some of the "bigger" names in the community making such big changes. Not very encouraging...but those choices seem to have very good reasoning.
@The_Guru ...I have to say this makes it much easier to get your name to pop up when mentioning you in a thread. Lol
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I appreciate your deep disgust for this standard business practice, @The_Guru. And I'm sad to see your contributions on the new GameSalad Academy go. Where you lose me is changing your name for fear of reprisal. I do appreciate the penchant for overstatement and drama, but that's just silly.
Closing this thread as well.