coming back/ apology

JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256

Hey everybody. Some of you may know me alot of you might not. Im a career programmer and ive been an avid gamesalad user for years since its beginning days. I used to be extremely involved in the community and did alot of work on the forums as well. At some point i hit a dark spell in my life, had alot of death and bad situations happen to me all at once and i didnt handle it probably and ended up falling into an alchoholic binge and stayed that way for a long time. There were alot of jobs i was paid to do and just disappeared into my misery. I have since gone to a rehab and have been sober for a very long time now and i figured nows the time if ever to try and get back involved and back to work. Programming is my life and i love gamesalad and the community here and want to get back involved. I want to apologize to anyone i owe it to honestly from the bottom of my heart and anyone i owe work to please get in contact with me so i can commensate you somehow. I will also be doing a ton of free work as well to try to build my reputation back up. Again i apologize to everyone and hopefully i can get back into the community here.

John Papiomitis



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