0.8.9 No Accelerometer!!!

gameviccigamevicci Member, PRO Posts: 306
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi guys, I tried an old project with an actor controlled by the accelerometer (correctly working on 0.8.8) but now It doesn't work.

So I create a new project, create an actor and put only a Display Text with "game.Acceletometer.Y" as expression to display: well, on my iPhone 3gs it doesn't show anything!

The Accelerometer now doesn't work on 0.8.9 !!! Anyone else has my problem?
Help :)


  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    Before you panic, try constraining the accelerometer to a real attribute you create and see if it displays in the text then.. I've had issues calling system attributes directly in text...
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Working on an iPad game using it, no issues here.
  • razzsoftrazzsoft Member Posts: 38
    Accelerometer not working for me either now after 0.8.9 upgrade.

    Just updated a game that was working with accelerometer published with 0.8.7 and now actor won't move at all after a republish with 0.8.9
  • mtcmusicmtcmusic Member Posts: 15
    Same problem here. Had a program working fine with 8.8. After 8.9 update, accelerometer doesn't respond! The worst thing is I thought I was doing it wrong!

    edit: How do I downgrade back to 8.8??

  • minimalobjectiveminimalobjective Member Posts: 14
    Tested uninstalling 0.8.9 and then re-installing 0.8.8 but seems that you can't open your files if they've been saved in an older version...If you haven't saved them in 0.8.9, they should still open up?
  • mtcmusicmtcmusic Member Posts: 15
    Yes,that's true, once you save in a later version, you can't load that file with an older version (since the old version doesn't recognize features included in the newer file.
  • JuggerJugger Member, PRO Posts: 238
    Same problem :(
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Wow, each new release just seems to go backwards.
  • JuggerJugger Member, PRO Posts: 238
    Accelerometer work fine in Viewer, but doesn't work when game is published

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Same here and similar problems with touch 1, 2 etc i had a working 2 player Air hockey...fine in previewer not working in build.

    Losing faith in GS.....

  • gameviccigamevicci Member, PRO Posts: 306
    utopiangames said:

    Losing faith in GS....

    Hey guys don't go overboard!!! I love GS, maybe the only thing I would like is a download page on gamesalad.com with old versions.
    Yesterday I should have to publish my game so I must search the 0.8.8 on bittorrent!!!!
  • mtcmusicmtcmusic Member Posts: 15
    Hey all,
    I'm not panicing because I know that these things happen when things get more and more complex. I'm sure they'll have it fixed soon. I still think GS is an amazing tool and if not for GS, I doubt I'd have the time to learn the whole objective-C and Xcode thing! The thing I've learned from all this is to not save all of my backups along with my master file with the new update! Now all the versions of my program are in 8.9 and I have no choice but to wait for the next patch :(
  • reddotincreddotinc Member Posts: 653
    There is no multi touch either so I can't see them letting this go on for more than 24 hours.. This is a SERIOUS issue with us publishing..

    // Red Dot Inc
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Hopefully it should be fixed as of 6 hours ago. Sorry for the interruption in awesomeness.
  • reddotincreddotinc Member Posts: 653
    As of 6 hours ago?? Announcement for this?? Can't test until tomorrow but will detest then.

    Thanks CM
  • mtcmusicmtcmusic Member Posts: 15
    So it's fixed? Isn't there a patch?
  • reddotincreddotinc Member Posts: 653
    In guessing it was another fault in the publish process, not GS
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    The problem could've been fixed on their end (I.E their servers) Because the creator tool was working fine the whole time... At least I think it was...
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Just the server side needed a fix. GS Creator and GS Viewer should not need any new updates.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    when is the slowdown in creator likely to be addressed, do you know what causes it?
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