Old Purchasetable can't be renamed or deleted
Member Posts: 36
in Tech Support
Hey guys, I'm trying to setup the IAP stuff in my game and I only have one row in the Purchasetable table .. I've read that I need to rename it, save and relaunch GS but there's no way to rename it ... any ideas on what I could do?
Add more rows by changing the value in the row field
Not sure where you've read that but its incorrect. You should NOT rename the purchase table and should be left as is. You also cant delete it. There is no need to delete it or any benefit for doing so.
Thx for the reply but I can't add more row .. it's greyed out. I'm stuck with this
If you use the GS project merger and you have two purchase tables what do you do?
This is not the expected behaviour. It sounds like something has gone wrong with your project file. Can you post a screen shot of the purchase table?
I'd recommend manually deleting the table by going into the XML files. If you check the video I did on adding tables, you essentially just need to do the opposite.
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([IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/21l3aeq.png[/IMG] "")
It's actually the column that is greyed out but usually you should have 5 columns by default right?
maybe I can import one of your CSV?
I can import CSV from a new project that has the correct purchasetable but is it safe to do so?
When merging projects I always make a small note on the original table and after merging delete the second. It allows you to delete the second.
I have no idea how you have made this happen. What you should do is file a bug report and have GS look at this file so hopefully whatever you have fine can be prevented in the future.
Ive dropped you a PM
Thanks - that fixed my issue.