Searching for simple game-makers
TZBK Pixel Cube
Member, BASIC Posts: 4
in Help Wanted
Since two heads are better than one, I think that a team of game-makers is better than one. Would some people like to assemble a team to think of ideas and make a amazing game together? This is not a lesson, this is a group assemble of 10-12 year-old game makers. Comment on this discussion if you want to join. GameSalad is the required software. Join today.
-TZBK Pixel Cube
Great idea!!!!! What fun would that be! I would join but way too old. Just a word of advice....... Write out a plan with all your objectives.... So everyone knows what is going on or you will have five excited people moving in five different directions.. Chaos.
You want to work together?
i could get rid of the age limit maybe
hi guys im also looking for a team,
This would have been cool if GameSalad and forums like this were around when I was 12! Would have probably jumped at the opportunity. Good luck getting your team together
amar want to join?
@KevinCross There were game making programs around, even as far back as 1999. I was 13 when I first found out about game making programs.
I know. I wasn't 12 in 99 though lol. I fell in love coding when I was knee high to a grasshopper manually typing game code into a Spectrum, code that was given free in Spectrum magazines. Way before I was 12. I can't remember what the Internet was like when I was 12 but can guarantee there wasn't anything like the GameSalad community
I remember the internet when I was twelve. Early 90s. The internet was amazing back then. Usenet in particular. Real communities, real discussions. It was actually more like the GameSalad community than the rest of the internet is today... Of course, that's not the point you were making, but still
I remember making my first ever game in Klik & Play. Good times! I'd have been a very happy little geek if GameSalad had been around in the early 90s.
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Well I can't remember that far back. I either didn't have much/any access to the net then, or when I did I was searching for porn. I was 12 so it's possible...
Anyway I've hijacked this post long enough
Heck you youngsters I remember the days before AOL or internet. we had BBS'
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