Error When i Login to Game Salad Creator

Hi Team,
We have downloaded when we try to login it gives error Unable to connect to while with same credendials i am able to login to gamesalad website.


  • BhaktiBhakti Member Posts: 3

    Hi Alex,

    I got your mail with few questions answers to them are

    1. What OS are you using (Mac or Windows, and what version)
      Ans: I am using Windows 7 Enterprise --- 32 Bit

    2. What version of GameSalad are you using?
      Ans: v. 0.13.24 beta — for Windows Downloaded from

    3. If you're on Windows, have you tried turning your firewall off to see if that works?
      Ans: Yes i tried both from office which has firewall at home which is without.

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