Serious Update Problems

myu699myu699 Member Posts: 96

Hey guys, I have been working on my game for over a year and I just updated gamesalad hoping to find some new useful functions. However, when I updated it, it completely deleted a bunch of my actors and other stuff like that and a lot of my functions are not working anymore. Is there any way to undo an update to gamesalad?


  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828

    I believe someone suggested making multiple users for your mac. And keep the older version on 1 user account on your mac. And always put the updates on another account. Then when you are happy with the new one. Then just leap frog back and forth. But always make copies of your projects as backups just incase something like this happens.

  • myu699myu699 Member Posts: 96

    Nevermind. I just remembered that I had put the older version on a hard disk when I was doing a full restart of my computer. But thanks @FINNBOGG

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