i cant find tutorial in wiki for game salad viewer installation on device, just get all certificates and register my iphone in my apple developer account
xcode put out error : Code Sign error: a valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'com.gendaigames.gamesaladviewer' could not be found
in developer site is not possible to creat identifier: com.gendaigames.gamesaladviewer' because it is already taken of course...
You want to create a generic provisioning profile, I have 3, Development, Distribution and Ad Hoc. That way I never have to worry about what I put in as the application's identifier.
You first need to create a new App ID. Call it Development and under "Bundle Identifier (App ID Suffix)" just put *.
Then go to the provisioning profile section and create a Development Provisioning Profile using that generic App ID you just created.
i did it like you said bet to run Gamesaladad vewer on iphone still is error : in developer site is not possible to creat identifier: com.gendaigames.gamesaladviewer'
Next we’re going to create an generic ( wildcard ) App ID to be used with the provisioning profiles.
Select ‘Add ID’ from ‘App IDs’, fill in a generic name ( e.g. ‘Yourcompany’ ) and a wildcard bundle identifier ( e.g. ‘com.yourcompany.*’ ). The ‘.*’ at the end is the wildcard, needed so that you only need one set of provisioning profiles for all your applications. Click Submit.
Creating the provisioning profiles
Click ‘Add Profile’ from Provisioning > Development. Choose a name for your development provisioning profile, this name will be shown in XCode when selecting codesign profiles.
Select the certificates, choose the App ID and select the Devices this profile applies on. Click Submit.
Your development provisioning profile will now be generated. Reload the page after a few moments to check if generation is done, download the profile and drag it into iTunes or XCode to instal it. Or copy it manualy to “~/Library/MobileDevices/Provisioning Profiles”
Search for 'Code Signing' and make sure your 'Any iPhone OS Device' setting is set to your Development Code Signing identity.
and this wiki pic: http://gamesalad.com/wiki/_media/developing_for_iphone:gsv_xcode_code_sign.png?w=600
But i can not get here " currently matches iphone" watch my snapshot: http://www.raganasligzda.lv/citi/xcode.png
in developer site is not possible to creat identifier: com.gendaigames.gamesaladviewer' because it is already taken of course...
You first need to create a new App ID. Call it Development and under "Bundle Identifier (App ID Suffix)" just put *.
Then go to the provisioning profile section and create a Development Provisioning Profile using that generic App ID you just created.
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Let us know if there are still troubles after going through that.
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Creating an AppID
Next we’re going to create an generic ( wildcard ) App ID to be used with the provisioning profiles.
Select ‘Add ID’ from ‘App IDs’, fill in a generic name ( e.g. ‘Yourcompany’ ) and a wildcard bundle identifier ( e.g. ‘com.yourcompany.*’ ). The ‘.*’ at the end is the wildcard, needed so that you only need one set of provisioning profiles for all your applications. Click Submit.
Creating the provisioning profiles
Click ‘Add Profile’ from Provisioning > Development. Choose a name for your development provisioning profile, this name will be shown in XCode when selecting codesign profiles.
Select the certificates, choose the App ID and select the Devices this profile applies on. Click Submit.
Your development provisioning profile will now be generated. Reload the page after a few moments to check if generation is done, download the profile and drag it into iTunes or XCode to instal it. Or copy it manualy to “~/Library/MobileDevices/Provisioning Profiles”
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