[Solved] Reset scene not working

http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340
edited June 2015 in Working with GS (PC)

Well at the end of the game I set up a rule to spawn a game over button which you're supposed to press to reset the scene.. but for some reason when I press the game over actor & rest the scene my game has a massive coding malfunction.. actors get shifted from their original positions & actors don't spawn when told to. I've made like 3 games already all using the reset scene behavior & I've never encountered something like this. I checked my coding like 100 times & I went through each & every actor in the game & checked everything meticulously. Out of frustration instead of putting the restart scene behavior I put the restart scene behavior & everything worked perfectly.. The only problem with that is that it restarts the whole game & shows my splash screen & goes through this whole loading process. Has anyone had this problem before? Thank you :)


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited June 2015

    I can empathize with your frustration but it's hard to know where to begin... you haven't shared any rules or specifics about how you have things set up. My guess is it's pretty complicated from how you described it and it may not be just one thing causing it, which also makes it hard to know what to post. :/

    Can you correct this?

    Out of frustration instead of putting the restart scene behavior I put the restart scene behavior & everything worked perfectly..

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  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    @tatiang face plam I forgot to set back my random X

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