Tile Option Enlarges Actor Image
So, I'm trying to create a game and my background has to be tiled since it's so big. I also mut keep the image the same size, or else the game won't work. The problem is, whenever I change horizontal and vertical wrap from stretch into tile, it enlarges the image. The actor still tiles correctly, but now my image is larger than it was originally in proportion to my actor. Any Ideas?
Best Answers
GeorgeGS Posts: 478
Mac and Windows use a slightly different rendering engine and Windows is a little newer so this sounds like a bug that was introduced. If you could add a bug to the database with the pictures attached it would help to make sure we keep it on our radar.
I'm on my ipad so i don't have GS for reference. But at the bottom of the graphics settings there are two named something like tile width and tile height. Change those to the sizes you need.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@jamie_c That didn't work.
Experiencing the same issue on Windows... Any solution found?
Are you able to reduce tile size in the graphics settings like @jamie_c mentioned above ?
No, I tried it before and it didn't work. @Socks
Ok so here is a better Explanation of my issue...
I've used the Penguin Paradise Template to demonstrate it.
The first Image (Example_01.jpg) is perfect and it is to demonstrate how things are set.
You can see the issues on Example_02.jpg and Example_03.jpg, when I change the Canvas size of the tiling actor.
Note: I've set the Regional Setting like explained in the thread about using Creator on Windows
Again this issue occur on any of the 4 computers I've tried so far using Windows 7.

This does not occur on my imac.
It's really weird. Maybe I'll ask @tatiang and I'll see if it's a known bug or something.
A test with a non-square image this time

Don't know if it's related to the regional setting in some way cause it seems not many user have this issue. Any guest?
It may be a windows bug, because it doesn't happen on mac.
Nope, on mac everything is perfect... And I'm testing directly side by side via iCloud
Done: Bug 1182 - Tiling issue
Thank again for the fast answer
Thanks for the response, sounds like a bug to me.
EDIT: Whoops ! Need to read to the end of the thread before posting - looks like francis.charland@videotron.ca and GeorgeGS confirm it may well be a bug.