Problem opening saved files, PC


I've got two game salad projects I've put quite a lot of time into and I can't open them, I'm not entirely sure why, if I click "Open Recent" gamesalad crashes, if I click open and file the file manually it still crashes game salad, the two files in question are the original and a rebuild of the file I'm working on due to several errors.

I'm not having this issue with any of my previous projects, what could be causing this? Is it where the file is saved? If so, where is the best place to save Gamesalad projects? And if I move the files there, will that help me access them?

One more question if you'll indulge me, since I'm working on a rebuild of the same project, is there any way to have two gamesalad windows open on the same computer? So I can easily refer between them on two different screens? My attempts have failed, and I'd prefer to not use a second computer as I wouldn't be able to copy and paste between them.

Much love for any help- WOLF

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